One priest makes spelling corrections, then another gives the messages a final review before uploading them to the website,, to be shared with the world. Visionaries of Our Lady of Zaro. Please join in the church's vital mission of communications by offering a gift in whatever amount that you can a single gift of $40, $50, $100, or more, or a monthly donation. By receiving more frequently through this sacrament the gift of the Fathers mercy, we are spurred to be merciful as he is merciful. . It is estimated that around 8000 witnesses were present, including TV journalists, because Our Lady of Anguera had promised the previous day to give a sign to skeptics. An example of a situation in which the countrys bishops requested the Vaticans doctrinal congregation to intervene is the alleged apparitions at Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina. No pronouncement has yet been made on the authenticity of the apparitions, which continue to be monitored by the Church. In their messages, Jesus and Mary say that The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the greatest grace given to mankind since the Incarnation. The commission overwhelminglyvoted infavorof recognizing the supernatural nature of the first seven apparitions. E l'assalto alla veggente agita Trevignano Romano ( Roma ), il borgo sul lago Bracciano. Click here. In 1948, the Communist Nationalization of Hungary was a harsh master, and she was fired from her first job for having a statue of the Blessed Mother in her home. In particular, how could Pedro Regis have imagined the extensive message #458, which he received publicly while kneeling for nearly two hours on November 2, 1991? Don Ciro, himself, has pointed out that he could not have been ordained by Msgr. Seven months later, a statue of Our Lady of the Immaculate Heart in their home began to weep oil profusely (later, other sacred statues and images began oozing fragrant oil while a crucifix and statue of St. Pio bled. A $20 gift lets us obtain solid faith formation resources that can deepen your spirituality and knowledge of the faith. The volumes that contain PRIVATE REVELATION from heaven, given to Luz de Mara from the year 2009 to the present time, have been given to me for the respective ecclesiastic approval. The first apparition of the Mother of Love as a 15-16 year-old girl, occurred in July 1994; the following year, Marco was entrusted with private messages for Pope John Paul II and the Bishop of Brescia, which he duly transmitted. A Nihil obstatwas recently granted by an Archbishop for the Polish translation of the second of these,In Cammino con Maria(On the way with Mary) published byEdizioni Segno, containing the story of the apparitions and the associated messages up until 2018. Messages from Our Lady to Gisella Cardia August 23, 2022 Dear children, thank you for having responded to my call in your hearts. Mary appears in these apparitions as Rosa Mystica, a title under which she appeared to nurse Pierina Gilli in Montichiari-Fontanelle (1947), an event to which the Brazilian apparitions to Eduardo and Junior refer repeatedly. Messages from Our Lady to Gisella Cardia August 20, 2022 Dear blessed children, thank you for having bent your knees in prayer and for. Message Archive By Messengers Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta Eduardo Ferreira Fr. The position of the Church towards the Anguera apparitions is understandably one of caution; as with Zaro di Ischia, a commission has been established for the purposes of evaluation. Lo riferisce .. This led them to repent of their living situation and enter a sacramental marriage. But Jesus has also told Luisa that He is not content with merely a few souls here and there living this new sanctity. I ask the Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother, to intercede for us so that the will of God be fulfilled, . Messages from Our Lady to Gisella Cardia August 27, 2022 Dear children, thank you for having listened to my call in your hearts and for having bent your knees in prayer. My Father is looking at you and today there will be many graces that will come down among you. . Stefano Gobbi, To the Priests Our Ladys Beloved Sons. It is noteworthy that this man does not read the Blue Book to this day (as his education is very limited and he has a reading disability). During that period in her life, she suffered no physical illness (until she succumbed to pneumonia at the end) and she never experienced bedsores, despite being confined to her little bed for sixty-four years. When the bishops investigation is complete, he can come to one of three conclusions: he can determine the apparition to be true and worthy of belief; he can say it is not true, which leaves open the possibility for an appeal; or he can say that at the moment he doesnt know and needs more help. Lo riferisce Repubblica. Your gift will strengthen the fabric of our entire Catholic community and sustain as your trusted news source. The messages have been gathered into a book entitled, Thy Kingdom Come, and on March 19, 2017, Juan Abelardo Mata Guevara, SDB, Titular Bishop of Estel, Nicaragua, granted them the Imprimatur of the Church. Always a diligent worker, Elizabeth never had good fortune in her long string of short-lived jobs, as she struggled to feed her family. On June 19, 2013, Pope Francis gave it his Apostolic Blessing. On March 26, 1994 he heard a voice saying Little son, write! Marco, dear son, do not be afraid, I am [your] Mother, write for all your brothers and sisters. Stefano Gobbi have now begun. While I am not worthy of this, I accept with great fear and responsibility this great gift, handing myself over totally to His Divine Will. Thank you in advance! #supportcatholicphilly{margin-top:30px;border-radius: 10px;border:1px solid #DDD; position:relative;} Many of Cardia's messages underline the imminence of the End Times and predict earthquakes, pestilences and wars. Leading Mariologist, Dr. Mark Miravalle of Steubenville University devoted a book to them, called The Three Hearts: Apparitions of Jesus, Mark, and Joseph from the Amazon. The bishop said that though he has not yet set up a formal commission to evaluate the credibility of Marian apparitions to Gisella Cardia, he is following the alleged supernatural messages. They began in 2016 following her visit to Mejuhgoria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and purchase of a statuette of Our Lady, which subsequently began to weep blood. As regards the often sobering content of the messages,** there is a striking convergence between them and other serious sources, with notheological errors. Dear brothers and sisters, Yesterday (November 9, 2022), I received a message from our sweet Heavenly Mother in which she announced that starting from this date - the messages I also received during the week, to which you I made participants, precisely to share her loving appeals as a Mother - while . While an investigative commission was established in 1998 by Bishop of Brescia Bruno Foresti, the Church has never taken an official position on the apparitions, although Marcos prayer group has been allowed to meet in a church in the diocese. The messages are always asking for conversion and prayer; they are not different from those of Fatima or Lourdes or other places, Cardia told CNS. Now these messages, which encourage, shape, challenge and fortify the faithful remnant of these times, the end times, are available to the world. Taken from the best-selling book, The Warning: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience. Be faithful to the Lord and to the Holy Scriptures. Children, the times you will meet will be hard and that is why I ask you to increase your prayer and above all the prayer of the Holy Rosary, a powerful weapon against evil. Currently, the movement is seeking further approbation as a Public Association of the Faithful. In the introduction of the de facto handbook of the MMP: To the Priests, Our Ladys Beloved Sons, it says of the movement: It is a work of love which the Immaculate Heart of Mary is stirring up in the Church today to help all her children to live, with trust and filial hope, the painful moments of the purification. Around that time, she also began to have intimate conversations with the Lord through inner locutions, followed by conversations with the Virgin Mary and her guardian angel. on Earth as it is in heaven (Mt, 6:10).. Be lights of the world to sweep away the darkness that covers you. It does not replace any of the existing devotions and practices that Heaven has been asking of usfrequenting the Sacraments, praying the Rosary, fasting, reading Scripture, consecrating ourselves to Mary, doing works of mercy, etc.rather, it makes these calls even more urgent and exalted, for we can now do all these things in a truly divinized way. The bishop said that though he has not yet set up a formal commission to evaluate the credibility of Marian apparitions to Gisella Cardia, he is following the alleged supernatural messages and evaluating both their content and spirit. La storia di Gisella Cardia A Trevignano Romano, l'ex . Apprenez couter la voix de Jsus dans votre cur et dans la prire. Children, I ask you to listen to my advice and to the voice of my Son so that you might be saved. I ask the priests: listen and believe my words or hell will await you. (CNS photo/Robert Duncan), By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Posted August 7, 2020. In 1992, Marco Ferrari began meeting with friends to pray the Rosary on Saturday evenings. Running to more than 1000 printed pages, Alicjas two-volume spiritual journal (Testimony (1985-1989) and Exhortations (1989-2010) was published posthumously, thanks to the efforts of the Archbishop of Szczecin, Andrzej Dziga, who established a theological commission for the evaluation of her writings, which were granted the Imprimatur by Bishop Henryk Wejman. Philadelphia, PA 19103, PREVIOUS: Mary foretold COVID-19 pandemic, alleged visionary claims, NEXT: When faith wobbles, cry out for Gods help, pope says, Culture Project: A Q&A with Lynsey Lucas, first year missionary, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary honors Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Angela Clark at gala award dinner, Office for Black Catholics, Sisters of the Redeemer partner for retreat on racial healing, 2020-2021 Audited Financial Statements of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Archives of The Catholic Standard and Times. Marco Ferrari had three meetings with Pope John Paul II, five with Benedict XVI and three with Pope Francis; with official Church support, the Association of Paratico has founded an extensive international network of Oases of the Mother of Love (childrens hospitals, orphanages, schools, aid for lepers, prisoners, drug addicts). According to the norms, the local bishop should set up a commission of experts, including theologians, canon lawyers, psychologists and doctors, to help him determine the facts, the mental, moral and spiritual integrity and seriousness of the visionary, and whether the message and testimony are free from theological and doctrinal error. It would be an illusion to seek after holiness, according to the vocation one has received from God, without partaking frequently of this sacrament of conversion and reconciliation.POPE JOHN PAUL II, Apostolic Penitentiary conference, March 27th, 2004; A $50 gift enables us to cover a news event in a local parish, school or Catholic institution. Apparitions subsequently occurred almost daily until January 1, 1996, two months after the first message from Jesus in a hospital where Eduardo was working as a nurse. On March 8, 1985, Alicjas life changed radically when she encountered Jesus standing before her after receiving Holy Communion. Now I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The alleged apparitions take place in Trevignano Romano, Italy. In each revelation given to Luz de Mara, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary guide the steps, the work, and the actions of the people of God in these times in which humanity needs to return to the teachings contained in Holy Scripture. Once again, there is so much packed in another message to Gisella Cardia from Our Lady all of it consistent with the prophetic consensus we are hearing from many souls in the Body of Christ throughout the world. Dear Children, thank you for responding to my call in your hearts. On Wednesday, June 11, 1997, the day that year of this requested Feast, the Blessed Mother said the following, making reference to a series of apparitions of the Holy family that took place in Ghiaie de Bonate in northern Italy, during the 1940sapparitions in which devotion to St. Joseph was also accentuated: Dear children, when I appeared in Ghiaie di Bonate with Jesus and St. Joseph, I wanted to show you that later on the whole world should have a great love to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph and to the Holy Family, because Satan would attack the families very profoundly in this end of times, destroying them. His Kingdom will come. Quite naturally, this work makes use of certain instruments; and in a particular way, Don Stefano Gobbi has been chosen. My children, now more than before you will need protection, you no longer have the lightning rod that prays for you but you must be ready and prepare for this transformation of your soul. #scppad{padding: 20px 40px; z-index: 2; position: relative;} Following Turzovka (1958-1962) and Litmanova (1990-1995), the village of Dechtice is the third modern apparition site in Slovakia, where scientifically unexplained events began on December 4, 1994. The church approaches each claim with the utmost prudence, with rigorous investigation and with the invitation to live out the Gospel rather than follow the apparitions. Our understanding is that it is in correlation to Fair-Use under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, however, given that it is open to interpretation, if any owners of the content clips would like us to remove the video, we have no problem with that \u0026 will do so as fast as possible. Pray, pray, pray!. However, when considered over a longer span, the Anguera messages touch on a wide variety of subjects containing nothing incompatible with Church teachings or approved private revelations. Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for December 3, 2022. Michel Rodrigue and the visionaries in Heede, Germany during the time of the Third Reich). Dermine with respect to the general question of contemporary private revelation, it quickly becomes apparent that he has a theologicala prioriagainst any prophecy (such as the writings of Fr. Please I really need this. But first, we must frequently empty them of sin . In the messages, Jesus and Mary express their profound sadness over mans disobedience of the Divine law, which has led him to align with evil and act against God. They underscore Satans attempt to destroy the Church and the whole world and the remedy given by Heaven: the sacraments, the Rosary, fasting and reparation for offenses committed against the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, refuge and ark for the faithful in our troubled times. Children, you are my true Church and it is to you that I commend myself, because thanks to my faithful she will be reborn, resplendent and glorious. It was two years into these cenacles that the words of Jesus came true: Our Lady began to lead him, but in the most remarkable way. On the third of every month, hundreds of Italians flock to Trevignano Romano, a small town 30 miles from Rome, to pray the rosary with Cardia. Her appearance is never meant to result in her glorification, but of Gods. I have reviewed with faith and interest these volumes entitled, THY KINGDOM COME, and have come to conclusion that they are a call to humanity to return to the path that leads to eternal life, and that these messages are an exhortation from heaven in these times in which man must be careful not to stray from the Divine Word. For a powerfully effective Marian consecration, order the book, Marys Mantle Consecration: A Spiritual Retreat for Heavens Help, endorsed by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and Bishop Myron J. Cotta, and the accompanying Marys Mantle Consecration Prayer Journal. In a follow-up meeting, Msgr. Jesus, I trust in You. According to the norms, the local bishop should set up a commission of experts, including theologians, canonists, psychologists and doctors, to help him determine the facts, the mental, moral and spiritual wholesomeness and seriousness of the visionary, and whether the message and testimony are free from theological and doctrinal error. Since Dom Grittis death in 2016, there has been an as yet unresolved conflict between the diocese of Itacoatiara and the Association established by Edson Glauber and his family to support construction of the Sanctuary. It is true that the influential Canadian Dominican Franois-Marie Dermine has accused Pedro Regis in the Italian Catholic media of receiving the messages by automatic writing. The seer, himself, has rebutted this hypothesis directly and convincingly (click here). For an inspirational read of amazing conversions as a result of the Medjugorje apparitions and to read an account of the very first apparitions, see the best-sellers, FULL OF GRACE: Miraculous Stories of Healing and Conversion through Marys Intercession and OF MEN AND MARY: How Six Men Won the Greatest Battle of Their Lives. We do not share email addresses with ANYONE. She was also active in evangelizing and organizing pilgrimages to Italy, the Holy Land, and Medjugorje. The heart of doctrinal conformity is the proclamation of grace, the proclamation of mercy, the new creation., I am studying the spirit of the messages, Bishop Rossi said, adding that he is looking for the proclamation of grace and not of judgment., The bishop also said that while he was pleased to let the pilgrims use a church for their recitation of the rosary, he would be happier if more of the pilgrims came to Sunday Mass. On February 12, 1988 he had his first vision of the Virgin, seeing her as if in a rose-filled grotto, holding a snake with her foot. In December of that year, Pope Frances lifted a moratorium ondiocesan organized pilgrimages, essentially elevatingMedjugorjeto shrine status. Thy Will be done. Pray my children, pray for my beloved children and for the Church. That mission can be bestowed upon you only if you also want it out of your free will. Gisella - Famine is Coming Our Lady to Gisella Cardia on June 12th, 2021: My children, thank you for being here in prayer. The two boys began evangelizing together but faced considerable opposition, with Eduardo receiving death threats, including from members of his family. #supportcatholicphilly a[href*="acceptiva"]:hover {background-color: #07269f;border-style: solid;border-width: 2px;border-top-color: #444;border-left-color: #444;border-right-color: #AAA;border-bottom-color: #CCC;position: relative;top: 3px;box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 2px rgba(22,22,22,0.4);color: #ccc;left: 1px;} The consistently elevated theological content and pedagogy of these messages and devotions. From her earliest years, Luisa was afflicted by the devil who appeared to her in frightful dreams. Note: About 23 years ago, a man and a woman in California, who were living together in a life of sin, began a profound conversion through Divine Mercy. It will bring you great trials and great suffering. (CNS photo/Robert Duncan), By Robert Duncan Catholic News Service Posted August 7, 2020. The messages originally came as internal locutions, followed by visions of Mary, who came to describe Luz de Maras mission. Secondly, several of the overtly prophetic messages would appear to have been fulfilled: we notably find a request in September 2019 to pray for China as the source of new airborne diseases. Please and Thank you. La Curia si limitata a fare un raffronto tra il Dna del sangue della statuetta e il Dna di Gisella e Gianni Cardia, che il marito. Why the Visionaries of Our Lady of Medjugorje? Now I leave you with my Maternal blessing, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, the urgency of the messages content is such that suspending the dissemination of this material until the resolution of Edson Glaubers case (which may take several years) would risk silencing heavens voice at a time when we most need to hear it. They married on May 25, 1930, when she was sixteen and he was thirty. Please EMAIL us at the email given in this channel's about section if you have any concerns. Gobbis messages did not fail but are now finding their fulfillment in real-time. Then he heard a voice that he believed was God the Father: The Blessed Mother has chosen you to be used as an instrument of God. All this is not to frighten, but to urge man to turn his gaze toward God. God Bless. These phenomena, when the sun appears to rotate, flash or be transformed into a Eucharistic Host, clearly cannot be faked by human means, and being recorded (albeit imperfectly) on camera, are also evidently not merely the fruit of collective hallucination. Please EMAIL us at the email given in this channel's about section if you have any concerns. Stefano Gobbi) and considers the coming of an Era of Peace a heretical view. Al momento si sa che sangue umano. Over the years, these numbers that materialized would confirm on countless occasions the spontaneous conversations in their cenacles, and now today, the events taking place around the world. Please join in the church's vital mission of communications by offering a gift in whatever amount that you can a single gift of $40, $50, $100, or more, or a monthly donation. I tell you that the Holy Father is in God's presence in Heaven and asks you to love one another. The locals are against me, Cardia told CNS. God offers many ways to face lifes challenges, choices, pope says, Put down the phone, look to God, look at others, pope tells kids, Celebrate Christmas with Ukraine in your hearts, pope says, urging aid, Congolese Catholics take to the streets to protest increasing violence, Pope supports Jewish-Catholic project for social justice, Pilgrims gather in Trevignano Romano, Italy, Aug. 3, 2020, for an alleged apparition of Mary to Gisella Cardia, who claims Mary appears to her on the third of every month. A turning point came in August, 1929, when she was accepted into the parish choir and there met Karoly Kindlemann, a chimney-sweeper instructor. At the womans next appearance, the children sprinkled the mysterious figure with blessed water, thinking it might be a demon, but the woman did not disappear. Even still, Gisellas stigmata, her hemographic blood images, or bleeding statues should not, on their own, be taken as indicative of the visionarys sanctity such as to give hercarte blanchewith regard to all future activity. The children were received and blessed by Mgr Dominik Toth of the Trnava-Bratislava archdiocese, where an official inquiry was instigated on October 28, 1998. Zanoni, the current Archbishop of Feira de Santana, with diocesan responsibility for Anguera, is broadly supportive, as can be seen from this short interview (in Portuguese with Italian sub-titles): Click here. I am prolonging the time of mercy for the sake of sinners. My daughter, lead my people toward God; do not be afraid - I also carried a great burden in my heart, but you will have the grace to be able to be stronger. Soon Our Lady began to speak through him to a weekly prayer group that grew and grew. Our Lady of Medjugorje's Warning and. The CDF, under Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Mller at the time, did not mention a second seer, Glaubers mother, Maria do Carmo, who likewise met with approval by the now-deceased Bishop Gritti. With 4921 messages allegedly received by Pedro Regis since 1987, the body of material associated with the purported apparitions of Our Lady of Anguera in Brazil is extremely substantial. A third factor in favor of taking the Zaro apparitions/messages seriously is the clear evidence that in 1995, the visionaries had what appears to have been a precognitive vision (published in the magazineEpoca) of the 2001 destruction of the Twin Towers* in New York.