El Gobernador, Francisco Garca Cabeza de Vaca, recibi este martes las llavesde la ciudad de McAllen, como un reconocimiento hecho por las El gobernador Greg Abbott emiti hoy una orden ejecutiva que autoriza y faculta a la Guardia Nacional de Texas y al Departamento de Seguridad Pblica de Texas DESDE LA CAPITALPor J. Guadalupe Daz Mtz. "It's not fair," said taxi driver Rene Guevara, adding that among the dead were two of his fellow taxi drivers whom he defended and said were not involved in crime. Prosecutors in the border state of Tamaulipas launched an investigation into several active-duty Mexican Army soldiers and former soldiers. 24 febrero, 2023. Those killed included nurses, shopkeepers, taxi drivers, students and construction workers. On Sunday, Reynosa residents "were quiet as if nothing had happened, but with a feeling of anger because now crime has happened to innocent people," said local businessman Misael Chavarria Garza.. El gobernador Abbott autoriza a la Guardia Nacional de Texas y DA REVERSA GOBERNADOR DE TEXAS: CIERRAN BARES, CANTINAS Y CENTROS NOCTURNOS INVESTIGAN EN TEXAS RED DE HUACHICOLEO QUE FINANCIA A MORENA EN EUA NO TIENE MS OPCIN QUE PRORROGAR ACUERDO DE RESTRICCIN FRONTERIZA: OFICIAL: CONTINUARN CERRADOS PUENTES INTERNACIONALES. CIUDAD VICTORIA, Mexico Gunmen aboard a number of vehicles staged attacks in several neighborhoods in the Mexican border city of Reynosa on Saturday, and at least 15 people died in clashes that caused widespread panic, according to local law enforcement. See more current weather Select month: En La Entrevista, Adriana Gonzlez responde todas las One person in federal custody following deadly Reynosa shootings. febrero 27, 2023. Denuncian discriminacin en el Conalep de Reynosa, en Tamaulipas, por el cambio de uniforme en el plantel. "I don't care what problems the people that killed my brother have," said Olga Ruiz, sister of Angel Fernando Ruiz. Driving anywhere in the state of Tamaulipas is extremely dangerous and if you are able to be picked up by the boarder by the people you are visiting, that would be the safest option. Cabeza de Vaca has denied the accusations, which he called baseless and politically motivated. The attacks may have derived from a dispute between rival groups over territorial control of the area and dominance over illicit operations including drug trafficking and human trafficking, Luis Alberto Rodrguez, the spokesman, told The Washington Post on Sunday. MND Staff June 28, 2021 'La Vaca,' center, and four others arrested in connection with the Reynosa shootings. CIUDAD VICTORIA, Mexico . In 2016, Gerald took up the pseudonym of Tony when he joined Breitbart Texas Cartel Chronicles project. Victoria, Tam., Mircoles 25 de Febrero de l 2009. His successors continued to be engaged in a struggle that has made Reynosa one of the most dangerous cities in Mexico - and with the greatest perception of insecurity. Donde hacer el tramite de la Cartilla en Reynosa, Matamoros, Victoria, Nuevo Laredo . Lpez Obrador has focused on social programs to deal with the roots of crime. Three sport-utility vehicles and one long gun were found at the scene. Images posted on social media showed bodies in the streets. Another expert says the Mexican president's current strategy to fighting cartels is not working. Law enforcement officials say gunmen aboard a number of vehicles have staged attacks in several neighborhoods in the Mexican border city of Reynosa. Y aunque no se han dado a conocer las. The coordinating agency released no details about the 14 people killed by attackers, but local media reports said one family could have been killed. A spokesman for Tamaulipas states secretary of public security said Sunday that the attackers may be members of a splinter faction of the Gulf Cartel, which has a presence in large swaths of the Mexican state that borders Texas. The shootings mobilized the army, National Guard, state police and other agencies. Televisa le dio la espalda a Ludwika Paleta. The safest way to travel to Reynosa is the US Mexico boarder in Hidalgo Texas. DIRECCION DE TRANSITO Y VIALIDAD. Versos en peligro de extincin: Puede la poesa ayudar a salvar un idioma? 3:04. Las autoridades del plantel en Reynosa del Colegio Nacional de Educacin Profesional Tcnica ( Conalep) fueron acusadas de discriminacin debido a que le negaron el acceso a una alumna e incluso la exhibieron frente a . Madres de familia de la Tcnica 87 exigen destitucin de directora. Associated Press Cartels have fought over territory in Reynosa for years. Encuentra las ltimas noticias de Reynosa: informacin, fotos y videos en Milenio . Criminal organizations should receive a clear, explicit and stern signal from the federal government that there will be no space for impunity, nor tolerance facing criminal conduct, the governors statement added. Recently, they have diversified into an array of other illegal activities. 88620. Payn says security in the border region of Tamaulipas with Texas has been deteriorating because he says the president has not wanted to combat organized crime head-on. Reynosa, Mxico - El saldo mortal por la incursin del sbado de un comando en esta ciudad subi el domingo a 18 fallecidos, 14 de ellos civiles inocentes, pero la cifra real sera de 23 . In the afternoon, Tamaulipas state police spokesperson Luis Alberto Rodrguez told Channel 5 News, police were able to detain one person that was allegedly carrying two women inside the trunk of a car. Border / Cartel ChroniclesCrimeBorder ViolenceCrtel del GolfoCartel ViolenceMexican ArmyMexican Corruption. As of Saturday evening, the state's attorney general's office has not released a statement. S.M.G.V. It offers free parking. Experts say there has been an internal struggle within the group since 2017 to control key territories for drug and human trafficking. 1926 El 24 de noviembre, Reynosa es elevada a la categora de Ciudad. But Nuevo Leon didn't warn people against traveling on the highway until almost a month later on June 23. This article was published more than1 year ago. El peridico ms importante de la regin noreste de. REYNOSA, Tamaulipas - Seven cartel members were killed and one innocent bystander was shot in a span of two days as rival factions of the Gulf Cartel fight for control of drug and human smuggling corridors into Texas. 24 febrero, 2023. In the case of the Gulf Cartel (Cartel del Golfo - CDG ), changes in leadership and new operational strategies needed to face enemies inside and outside of Tamaulipas led to the need to create subgroups. Reynosa Editor-May 15, 2021 "CHUCHO" NADER, ALCALDE, SI VIVE EN TAMPICO NO COMO OTROS. Administrador General: Francisco Javier Rojas, Administrador General: Francisco Javier Rojas | ReynosaNews.com |, Administrador General: Francisco Javier Rojas, ANALIZARA CONGRESO QUITAR OTRA VEZ USO DE SUELO A CASINOS EN TAMAULIPAS, TAMAULIPAS NO TENDR LEY SECA DURANTE CONSULTA DE REVOCACIN DE MANDATO, RIESGO DE CONTAGIOS POR COVID-19 AUMENTA EN TEMPORADA VACACIONAL, ADVIERTE SALUD, LAS MUJERES SON CLAVE EN EL XITO DE MORENA Y JR, ALERTA SSP SITUACIN DE RIESGO EN MATAMOROS. Latest Reynosa Headlines and News updates Read latest Reynosa News, Headlines of today and archives of news. ART. We've received your submission. SE SATURAN HOSPITALES EN TEXAS; ENVIARN A SUS CASAS A PACIENTES Cantante Reynosense se presenta en iglesia de McAllen con msica de MAANA INSTALARN PUNTOS DE CONTROL EN REYNOSA Y RO BRAVO BIENESTAR ENTREGA TARJETAS A ADULTOS MAYORES EN TAMAULIPAS. Prosecutors in the border state of Tamaulipas launched an investigation into several active-duty Mexican Army soldiers and former soldiers. Personajes ilustres. Several of the past governors of the state of Tamaulipas have been accused of corruption and links to organized crime. Los mismos van a . In 2019, the creation of the Migrant Protection Protocols, or MPP, which expanded to Tamaulipas over the summer, led to a drop in border apprehensions but it placed people in vulnerable circumstances by sending them to places like Nuevo Laredo and Reynosa, where kidnapping, torture, and extortion have led the federal government to declare it a . A series of clashes between rival factions of the Gulf Cartel left 15 people dead in one day including some innocent civilians in the border city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas. Tamaulipas Gov. Ciudad Madero; by Editor. AddThis Share The auction is One person was killed in two separate shootings Friday, March 3, 2023: Breezy and cooler with temperatures in the 80s, Thursday, March 2, 2023: Hot and breezy, temps in the 100s, Wednesday, March 1, 2023: Hot and breezy, temps in the 90s. [8] Fue fundado el 7 de febrero de 1824.. Est ubicado en el noreste del pas, limitando al norte con el ro Bravo que lo separa de Estados . By ALFREDO PEA June 20, 2021 CIUDAD VICTORIA, Mexico (AP) Fear has invaded the Mexican border city of Reynosa after gunmen in vehicles killed 14 people, including taxis drivers, workers and a nursing student, and security forces responded with operations that left four suspects dead. shares U.S. authorities have ordered staff to suspend field operations in. FRASE NEMOTECNICA DIAS DE. Zona Conurbada; by Editor. Gobernador interino del Estado. 1 minute read. The Gulf, Northeast and Jalisco cartels are fighting for control over Tamaulipass lucrative drug and arms trafficking routes to and from the United States. LA JUSTICIA LLEGAR PARA EL PRIAN Y SUS JUEGOS SUCIOS EN EL CONGRESO DE APRUEBA TEPJF ENCUESTA TELEFNICA PARA DIRIGENCIA DE MORENA, SECRETARA DE SALUD NO DESCARTA CUARTA OLA DE COVID-19, DESDE LA CAPITAL ELTEATRO DE ROLANDO CANT BARRAGN, HABR PUENTE EN MARZO; CONOCE SI TE PAGARN DOBLE, INFONAVIT ELEVA A 70 AOS LA EDAD MXIMA PARA SOLICITAR UN CRDITO, ENTREGA EL PRESIDENTE MUNICIPAL OBRAS POR MS DE 13 MILLONES DE PESOS. Autoridades policiacas capturaron a un joven como presunto responsable del crimen de un hombre que fue asesinado a flechazos en el interior de una vivienda en la colonia Campestre Itavu, de acuerdo a las investigaciones, en las flechas se encontraron huellas digitales del criminal Destroza camioneta 01 / Marzo / 2023 | Por La Tarde / Staff State authorities said Sunday that they are investigating possible motives behind the killings and looking for other shooters. Sunny. The attacks began Saturday afternoon in several neighborhoods in eastern Reynosa which borders the Texan city of McAllen. . Mexico - safety as a country. "They stopped in front of them and started to shoot.". Security is one of the great challenges facing the government of President Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador. The investigation follows the brazen rescue of a Gulf Cartel lieutenant from police custody. It's one of the dangerous cities in Mexico because of ongoing conflicts with gangs. Violent criminal groups are eroding Mexico's authority and claiming more territory. HoyTamaulipas.net Derechos Reservados 2016 Tel: (834) 688-5326 y (834) 454-5577 Desde Estados Unidos marque: 01152 (834) 688-5326 y 01152 (834) 454-5577