That makes things less efficient and compromises your ability to move some real weight around. Their sets kept going up, and Chuck started to look tired. I am very sensitive to anesthesia, and the doctor knew this, but somehow after giving me a shot to calm me down for surgery, I fell asleep and they gave me anesthesia. The first strength speed cycle A. J. and Jake Anderson trained with were 700 pounds of band tension plus bar weight. It took a couple of years to recover to where he could do 535 for four reps. Matt Wenning was training at Westside and was closing in on 600 raw. George was lifting in their first big money meet. He missed. If Ive got any shot at this guy, I might have it.. All Rights Reserved. getting back into contest form for the WPO Semifinals. It is in my head. I was relieved for a while. Think of it this way: If your hips have stopped moving but you're still driving forward, that's how you know it's your back moving. His competitive best lifts include a 905-pound squat, 775-pound bench press, and an 804-pound deadlift. Louie used to do that lactic acid threshold training in front of newer Westside lifters but never tell them that he was standing up with less weight. All photo's and images courtesy of Curtis Dennis and/or They need GPP, so dragging a sled, pushing the Prowler, and using the wheelbarrow and strongman yoke. But after six months of no progress, he jumped on board and began to make great progress. At that point, Dave tapped out. Tom, Kenny, Rob, and Mickey Tate are long gone, but George is still training a group of benchers at Westside. But they could not be psyched out. Using heavy bands on his squats and deadlifts helped Chuck break through his training plateaus. I remember, at one point, Paul made 615, KP made 625, JM made 610, George made 625, Mike Wolfe made 620 (now 639), and Nick Winter made 700. One day on the beach Jonathan saw a silver seagull about 100 yards away. And so we named it the JM Press. You'd train at 50-60 percent for speed strength with a bar speed of 0.8 meters per second. Jimmy told George that he could do more in a shirt, but George said he made only 473 lbs. If you take the first gear out of a Mack truck, how fast will it take off? In an effort to show the world that he's the best bencher, Scot tries 804 but This was a setback, to say the least. Matt Wenning talks Chuck Vogelpohl!Want to know the specifics? Matt Wenning talks Chuck Vogelpohl!Want to know the specifics? Some people say, "Louie is only successful because he hand-picks the strongest lifters in the world!". Here's a great rowing variation to use if barbell rows are too tricky for your cranky lower back. He inspires both awe and fear and is known to be one of the most intense lifters ever with a meet focus that is unparalleled in its sheer ferocity. 2023 Westside Barbell. It didn't work. Matt uses 365 pounds strapped around his waist and he'll walk with it on for five minute rounds forward, backward, and to the side. If any of the above technical issues feel familiar, it's time to clean things up because unnecessary wear and tear adds up. Ryan bombed out and Fusdog broke the 308-pound world record for his first world record. This builds lateral power and has made him incredibly strong. a city. That's why it works for everybody. Bolton was the first to raise the bar to 927 and then Frank Everyone should know that the amount of force you produce in a lift is determined by multiplying the rate of acceleration by the amount of weight lifted. came second to Frank doing a 2425 total. on the bar. He would do 1,000 crunches a day and too many lat pull downs to count. At that time, his squat was 1000 pounds. Among the As with any squat, the knees and butt must move down. That was a lot of moola so I called them to be sure they really had $8,000. He is a very humble and gracious person. Until his teammate Dave Hoff would do 1,210 at 271 lb. George Halbert was his name. Even today, John Inzer is a great friend to Westside and its lifters, helping out in any way possible. I can guarantee it. The goal with any controlled drop is for the bar to have a vertical path. The most Vogelpohl families were found in USA in 1880. Chuck Vogelpohl became his training partner and his understanding of the deadlift changed forever. Dynamic Effort or speed strength is intermediate velocity. His 1,180 lbs. Dave Waterman was one of our top rivals at money meets. His back strength is unbelievable due to the Goodmorningsalmost a forgotten exercise, but take Phils and Vlads word on it, they work. So, Dave grabbed the bar from Chuck; since they were lifting in a power rack instead of the monolift, they were in a tighter spot to face off. So while I lay in the hospital bed, I read all the books I could from the Soviet Union (they were miles ahead of us). In 1880 there were 49 Vogelpohl families living in Illinois. And of course, Mark Bell and his Super Training gym. So a novice should do one extra workout a week for upper body and one extra workout for the lower body, targeting whatever's needed. JL Holdsworth is a world-champion powerlifter, grip-sport competitor, and former member of Westside Barbell. We're just smarter, in that we're smart enough to open up a physics book and speak to people overseas that know what they're doing. Chuck was one of the strongest men I ever trained with. Another one of Louie's favorite deadlift special exercises is the deficit deadlift. This small book did big things for the author and he still has the original copy in his cabinet today. You guys are a huge inspiration and I have learned a ton from the content on this site as well as the vids you upload. Man I'm getting old.I first started talking to my wife at Chuck's 40th birthday party. A poster at the AFBoard shares a story from the weekly EliteFTS email about one of powerlifting's most popular competitors, Chuck Vogelpohl.. NOV 2002 This was the second year that EliteFTS had hosted the IPA Nationals. George had a history of back problems and asked if it would be ok if he just did bench meets from here on out. Essentially, grabbing the bar was a way to start shit. All Rights Reserved. They equal 100 pounds in the bottom and 200 pounds at the top. I feel very inspired by all of you who pursue strength and dont back down no matter the hardships. At 16 and 170 pounds, he was squatting 800, benching 500, and deadlifting 600. By signing up to the mailing list you will only receive emails specifically about name reference on Forebears and your information will not be distributed to 3rd parties. Louie, you were really pissed off. Max Effort work is slow strength. The result was a 700-pound meet bench. Regardless of the sport Make your morning email scroll and coffee stronger. power lifting is starting to become a success as lifters from all around the Some can find a way to overcome a training plateau, while others cannot and stop training forever. A deadlift is nothing more than a Romanian deadlift (RDL) until the bar passes the knees, at which point you squat. This was about 46% of all the recorded Vogelpohl's in USA. Sure, he couldve gone through a few more rounds, but the fact of the matter was he wasnt going to be Chuck. But, I told him, he must touch his chest, after all that is the hardest part of the lift for most. But, when we got in the gym, he started putting on wraps and all kinds of painers. Chuck Vogelpohl would eventually not only break world records, but do so in three different weight classes. WATCH: Chuck Vogelpohl's 1100-Pound Squat Laughing, Coan and Tate reflect back 20 years ago when everyone was trying to emulate Chuck with their beanie hats, popped collars, and cocky attitudes. out of the best shirts. He came with a two-year-old 475-pound bench press, but after walking in the door at Westside, he made 628 in less than a year. Ryan used to respect Scot in the past. Arnold Coleman was just starting and later became the world record holder in the squat and total at 181. One of his plateaus was a sticking point near to the top of the squat. Ano Turtianinen has been the leanest 275 lifter I've seen in a while. He was the greatest squatter of all time. Unfortunately, this guy has to grind with 150-200 pounds less than what my guys use because we're that much stronger. When JL first started powerlifting, he sucked at the deadlift, so he sought out the best. After getting a reload, it had taken too much out of him, and Waterman won, again. Like nothing happened. And for some reason, Dave figured he could use that when going back and forth with Chuck and it would work. This would be Georges last world record. I told them we will be down, and to have the money in small bills. Sometimes we'll do straddle-leg good mornings (one leg out in front) which simulates single and double-leg takedowns. Two things made Greg a multi-world-record holderphysical work and a strong mental attitude. We hated him, but at the same time, loved him for his talent and for being a great competitor. But all still holds the world record at 42 of 1,140 lbs. In nine months Matt made 700 pounds easy. I started applying everything I could, which means I started applying science to weights. on how much a year of training can help huh! I only ask you to train to your absolute strength. Let's just say I'm pretty sure. North German: topographic name from Middle Low German vogel bird + pohl pool pond. And remember, he showed up as a high school football player. Sprinkle in a lot of coaching time with Louis Simmons, Dave Tate, Steve Goggins, and Eddie Coan, and JL turned into a professor of the deadlift. Always have looked up to older lifters such as yourself, chuck, and Dave tate. After getting up, there was blood all over the bench, and lots of glass stuck in my back. It's all based on you. So weights are not heavy or light they're slow and fast. Jon Call is the perfect candidate to attempt recreating Chuck Vogelpohl's Squat session. Westside was always evolving, through countless hours of intense work. heard to weighing close to the 400 mark although it seems to have made him a One reason he was having a problem was that he needed to gain more size on his legs. The next week, we had 175 lb. Elsewhere, Jesse Kellum after suffering defeat back in 2001, came back with For other possible spellings of this surname click here. It's too easy. Finally, their sets hit 40, and Dave was struggling. Get your greens today! I stopped breathing for four minutes and had to be trached as well as given chest tubes. Surnames are taken as the first part of an person's inherited family name, caste, clan name or in some cases patronymic, Descriptions may contain details on the name's etymology, origin, ethnicity and history. If you can jump higher you can run faster. Doug Heath, a long-time Westsider, had shoulder pain starting in 1975 while benching on a flat bench. in a shirt. As we came into the lifting, all we heard my name called. There was a bench meet in Lumberton, NC that offered $8,000. But soon he thought there must be limits to how fast a seagull could fly. There was crazy storiesfrom Westside days, great times at meets and a lot of other fun stuff that isn't fit to talk about in this setting. In truth, Chuck is far from the person that people think he is. only get higher!!! Jay went on to break two world records ending with 750 pounds at 181 body weight, which still stands on our record board. The internet has done wonders for "The Myth of Chuck Vogelpohl". and tried for a 898. like I said only a matter of time!! One of the things theyd do with dynamic work is grab the bar as soon as the other person lets go of it a signal that meant, Youre taking too long. That wouldve pissed off the person who just finished the lift. putting me third in the Open World plus fourth in the total, at 50 years old. At 220 lbs. The next meet was a money bench press meet in Daytona where all the great benchers would compete. But, George finally got it right. And, while he was holding the deadlift, after the down signal, he said in his witches voice, F you Louie Simmons. It was a great day for him and myself to see him make that lift, we will both remember that day forever. After a while, he stopped and I let go of two hands full of hair. impressed me because he went for a unreal 1014 in the 308 class and had a nose Now all anyone has to do is get online and tell everyone how awesome they are with 50,000 tweets per day and eventually people just believe them. The saying goes, If you live by the sword, you die by the sword. Too much band tension hurt Georges peck, and also broke his best bench by 50 lbs. Special strength plays a great role in strength training, but it is important to know what you need and, more important, to train it. see in the New Year. Thanks for making me push myself everyday. Chuck was the one who explained Louie's "trick" to Dave. No way Jose. Rob lifted and tore his peck completely off in his opener, and was then gone for good. Look at it this way: Assuming you're not a contortionist, forgetting to squat down will exhaust your range of motion at the hips before the bar has touched down. I was very proud of our men. It takes a long time and a lot of mistakes to truly become an expert. Chuckie is getting close to the 2500 barrier when he did 2245 total. I started Kenny Patterson at 14. In a career spanning almost two decades, powerlifting legend Chuck Vogelpohl competed in weight classes from 90kg all the way to 125kg. He showed promise and started to train at Westside. The author has named the deadlifts Dimel Deads in honor of him becoming Westsides first of seven world record holders in the squat. The reason is, if you go for volume in the Big 3, the weakest link gives out first, like the lower back, or you tear a pec. At the same time, Steve made an 865 pull at 265-pound body weight. McCoy did 515, but at 184 lbs. Frank was also intent on breaking the deadlift record made People confuse this and forget the squat part, which causes major issues. His total now is 2120, second only to Oleksandr Kutcher from the Ukraine. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. I told John Inzer. COACHING AVAILABLE! the Hypertrophy Manual! to take your Powerlifting seriously? pricedeborah12. I learned a very valuable lesson about powerlifters: Theres powerlifters who absolutely are, or athletes in general theres athletes that love to win and theres athletes that fucking hate to lose. Here's a list of the most common technical errors you'll see when it comes to lowering the bar, or the steps that immediately precede it. Hint: Try searching for a relative alive in 1940. squat at 264 lbs. I remember, at The Arnold one day, we were leaving when I heard some young guy call out to me, Mr. The Vogelpohl surname is derived from the German words Vogel, meaning 'bird', and Pool, meaning 'pond', or 'pool'. The true experts and legends of strength sport got there from doing great things and toiling in the trenches for years. This made Chuck very strong and amazingly explosive and he became a world record holder in three weight classes. Since they didnt have the monolift, they used the power rack for dynamic day. The gym had up to 155 lb. It's the system. Matt was only 33 years of age.". I could not talk for once. He also cofounded Reflexive Performance Reset (RPR) and consults with many major collegiate, NFL, NHL, and other professional sporting organizations to help them maximize performance. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Wes McCormack came to Westside with an 800-pound squat, a 515-pound bench, and a 560-pound deadlift to total 1880 at 165 body weight. After accumulating 40 years of training knowledge, Westside has found most of the answers inside our walls, but many lifters and scientists have helped to solve our problems. His 1,180 lbs. We were at a local bench meet when I saw a jacked up guy lift without gear. The name statistics are still in development, sign up for information on more maps and data. Written by Team Juggernaut Full Name: David Brandon Lilly Date of Birth: 3/14/1982 Height: 6'0" Weight: 315-325 Hometown: Berea, KY Current City: Richmond, KY Years Training: 12 , Powerlifting 6+/- Gym Name & Location: Berea Barbell in Berea, KY and Lexen Xtreme in Columbus Occupation: Data Board Assembly He made it possible for me to make a 1,885 lb. But that's how we are. Coaches should include max effort training in every athlete's training plan. It was low at 560 pounds for a 181-pounder. Matt Dimel was a founder of Westside Barbell and the creator of . Fire up your athleticism. I learned to train from some of the greatest coaches in the world, I trained . and got to keep the bench. It also occurs in Germany, where 38 percent are found and Thailand, where 0 percent are found. Then in his next meet, he broke the world record twice, with 744 and then 766. professional wrestler. There is a video on YouTube entitled Chuck Vogelpohl 633 bench at the 2006 Arnold Classic which shows what an incredible strength athlete Chuck is. He also worked closely with him at WPO meets. You must know what to work on to improve. Chuck V.: Thanks. Joe McCoy was one who thought that the weights might be light at the big money events, but after his opener he said to me, The weights are real. Eskil Thomasson came to visit Westside from Sweden a few weeks before the money meet because he did not believe that we trained like we said we did. As was Anthony Clark, a big star, looking to his 800 lb. world get a chance to compete and make a decent living at it. Eskil was bigger than me and he could not out-squat, out-bench, or out-total me. Further information may be obtained by. It goes without saying (though Dave says it) that Chuck Vogelpohl hated to lose more than he liked to win. Because the chain would unload on the eccentric phase, no gain in muscle mass was noted nor was there a faster reversible phase. Outside of The United States this surname is found in 4 countries. Tip: The Peel-Back Technique for Better Deadlifts, Tip: An Unconventional Way to Build Forearms. Nowadays, Wes has made a 900-pound squat, a 615-pound bench press, and a 620 deadlift. George knew he had to build a lockout like Kennys. Before I talk about Garry Frank and Andy Bolton's battle, I would like to point Simply return it within 30 days for an exchange. This was due to band training, now known as Combination Methods Training, a term coined by Dr. Mel Siff in Supertraining. According to Dave Tate, Chuck had just gotten out of his neck brace after hed broken his neck (Matt Dimel broke it) and had been squatting for a couple of weeks. But during a gym shootout, Georges peck was separated from the bone completely. Frank also ended up with a 2562 total and folks it will I have girls that squat 450 at 123 pounds and 132 pounds, and girls that squat 590 at 148 pounds. Vlad pushed the Goodmornings working up to 865x3 reps, then, his new ultimate goals were a 1200-pound squat and a 900-pound deadlift. But it was how he did it, George recalls it must have taken 10 seconds to lock out and win top coefficient bench over Clark. Shooting the knees forward and sliding the bar down the quads like they're a ramp will launch you into shitty deadlift land. Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations. Kenny Patterson was the youngest to hold an open world record at 19 years old with a 716 lb. Here are some of our success stories: Jay Fry came to Westside to train under George Halbert, a multi-class world record holder. strength athlete who drops dead . Don't listen to what people say but look at what they have done to see if they are an expert. Steve Wilson, who was training with Matt and had an 815-pound deadlift, agreed that they both would give it a try using 225 to 275 pounds for two or three sets of deadlifts of 20 reps four times a week. raised it even further winning his class with a deadlift of 931!! And do it all while having some fun. Kenny P. and George were the best coefficient benchers in the world for almost ten years. Seven of them are box squatters. Geoff Girvitz is the founder of Bang Fitness in Toronto. But that was Tom, Westside to the bone, forever. wide, and the head ref. They said yes. At the end, there was $10,000 in cash and prizes for the winner. Fusdog broke mental plateaus by lifting against the worlds best. This shows that there are many ways to overcome a plateau. Because Mickey had been in jail for shooting someone. You pick the muscle that you need and that's what you train. George Halpert waited two years to show up at Westside. He said, I heard those Westside guys are crazy, but he eventually became a Westsider and still is today. Once you master the initial setup and the basic mechanics of the lift, you'll quickly see that the greatest opportunity to improve comes from putting the bar down better. I almost died in 1991. As weights get heavier, they get slower due to gravity. At a meet in Dayton, Ohio, Jay benched 525 pounds at 181 body weight. A lot of this information came from George, as he helped me write this. So he'll go 100 feet down, 100 feet back, perform a series of jumps, and then repeat. That's the key. into the action this year. In 93, I wrote an article in Powerlifting USA, entitled Three of a Kind. J.s bench was going no where the first year at Westside. Improve your form and get a mechanical advantage boost. Gerry O was to win a national championship. With Doug Heath, George, KP, and Rob Fussner holding world record benches, we were the most dominant benchers the world had ever seen. Click here for a No gym in the world has two 2,700 pound totals. There are 162 immigration records available for the last name Vogelpohl. If not, you fail. Plus, 80 percent of the training is on small special exercises. He had to work through plateaus in the squat and bench. A short story about Dave: when lifting at the APE Nationals in Chicago he passed out doing a heavy deadlift. In United States they earn 8.4% more than the national average, earning $46,775 USD per year. With no more hip flexion to give, further movement has to come from somewhere. Chuck, in the meantime, was struggling. After three meets, the conclusion was that the chains had a very positive effect on the concentric phase of the lift. Vlad met his first goals at a meet in Columbus, Ohio, making an 1100-pound squat and an 805 deadlift. I knew he would. Think of speed strength as a transmission in a car. Travis Mash has rose to the top at 220 breaking Eddie Coan's total record, not once but twice. The only barbell lifts he does are basically Zercher squats or sumo deadlifts. George made his benches mostly from his strong chest. Today, you see Greg benching 570 raw without a handout. Until after the workout, Mickey Tate says to me, Dont ever do that again. Well, there is You don't do many interviews and don't get involved with the internet. Max Effort is what everyone seems to focus on, however, to get the most of your potential you need to employ both days. But nothing happens. There were just three benches and about 15 of us, so you really had to earn your spot. Theyd go back and forth after each set until the other person gave up. Grab the Powerlifting Training Manual to get step by step training. to Wenning Strength: Matt Wenning Instagram: Matt Wenning Facebook: Website: https://www.wenningstrength.comManuals: floor press. JM said it was like maxing out with a 3 in. KP said to me, Old man, you will never have 700 lbs. To adapt to training is never to adapt. Phil had reached a double plateau in the squat and deadlift, but Goodmornings for a stronger back and wide box squats to build his hip strength, left Phil a lifting legacy at Westside he can be proud of forever. First, he did dumbbell extensions as heavy as possible, roll back with 110-pound dumbbells off the floor, incline, decline, and also seated French-press style. In Daytona, George made three world record benches to beat the then current world record holder, Dave Waterman. After many tries, Tom finally won his first Senior Nationals. The bench made it possible for him to break the world 308-pound total record three times while at Westside. This surname is most frequently occurring in The United States, where it is borne by 890 people, or 1 in 407,257. The fact we always kick their asses might have something to do with it. It shows in how he takes immense pride in caring for his training environment and for his fellow lifters. Youre saving yourself.. You earned it. George started losing body fat but kept his bench strong. He called Matt Dimel, who had been stuck at 820 pounds for a year, and told him to give it a try. The surname Vogelpohl is primarily found in The Americas, where 62 percent of Vogelpohl live; 62 percent live in North America and 62 percent live in Anglo-North America. Dave was the youngest person ever to total 2400, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800, and 2900. The reason is recovery you have to recover for the next workout to make progress. We called for an 820-pound deadlift on Fusdogs third attempt to force Dave into an 865-pound deadlift, but changed the third to a makeable 770 pounds. Free Shipping with a $69 qualifying order. I handed out 545 for 3 reps, of the now known JM Press, to him. 25% of Vogelpohl men worked as a Farmer and 60% of Vogelpohl women worked as a Stenographer.