b. variety Keep your watch accurate. to provide the government with an accurate information source. Read the excerpt from "A Genetics of Justice" by Julia Alvarez. They are always focused on a main idea They are always focused on a main idea is the accurate statement about paragraphs. Much stubborn strife.From the strokes of war Scarred with sword-points,sated with battle-play, "She bring home too many trophy," lamented Auntie Lindo that Sunday. Three single-passage Reading Comprehension passages are included. The comer-from-far-land had cleansed then of evil, b. Before responding to any exam questions, be sure to carefully read each passage and follow the directions for each passage set. In the third paragraph, the focus of the passage shifts to a description and discussion of others in the restaurant, namely "A party of four, two men and two women . We value our allies, but we will go our own way if they do not agree to work with us. Choice A is incorrect because the passage does not provide observations made by other characters, only Questions that ask us about specific details of . It creates a rhythmic pattern. Scarred with sword-points,sated with battle-play, What effect does this repetition have? Social Science Geography Q&A Library Use the passage to answer the question. A tax, a dummy vote, a portrait on the wall. When the slaughter was over, their wish was accomplished. The _____________ lecturer could have even the toughest audience sobbing after telling one of his poignant stories. Most people in Europe at that time believed that the plague was God's judgment upon the sins of humankind. A. Read the passage from The Rmyan of Vlmki. The day came when my mother had to march. Grant Abbott Child of Father, Follower of Son, Student of Spirit. Given this mandate of silence, I was a real thorn in my mother's side. Select TWO options. . People who say there should not be any homework need to be realistic and accept facts. Maria put down the map and stared at the bungalow. Each text presents the same topic using a different tone and point of view. We are here because, right now, there are mothers separated from their childrenlike the woman in a camp in Greece, who held on to her family photographs . PENGUIN BOOKS. facts from history. Answer Comment. English, 20.09.2020 14:01, jadejordan8888 Which statement about the two passages is accurate? Which statement offers the best comparison of the two poems? B) Without a solution, we are in trouble. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. (D) build a logical argument and support it with. Which statement best describes how Gilgamesh's dreams affect the plot of Gilgamesh: A New English Version? B) Passage 1 contains a false dilemma, while passage 2 contains a bandwagon appeal. A) Passage 1 contains an ad hominem attack, while passage 2 contains a false dilemma. Which statements use rhetorical devices? Which statement best explains why the evidence provided in the text is a fallacy? In many cases it has led to harmful acts. The Americans have got so fat on our blood and groans, that they have almost forgotten the God of armies. See your Declaration Americans! Passage 1 Okay. anger. Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty. !" In Gilgamesh: A New English Version, Gilgamesh repeatedly has dreams and says, "Enkidu, dear friend, I have had a dream." Q. rhyme Read the excerpts from the beginning, middle, and end of "A Genetics of Justice" by Julia Alvarez. The dictatorship resulted in many deaths. Perhaps no principle of interpretation is more universally agreed upon than the idea that understanding the context of the word, phrase, or passage is absolutely essential. For each of them there are four choices marked AB),C) and D). Score 1. Solution. Test samples collected by people who swabbed their own nasal passages yielded results for the COVID-19 virus that were as accurate as samples collected by a health care worker, according to a small study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine. To men under heaven. by . All other countries need to know that we will fight them at any cost to maintain our liberty. You will be given statements containing information. The first passage is subjective, while the second passage is objective. E) Standardized test scores dropped or remained stagnant in many states in 2017, which was the peak year to date for social media use. - and - b) Handy Andy is one of the most famous comic creations in English lit Each text presents the same topic using the same Which statement about listening is accurate? B. Select the answer choice that MOST NEARLY means the same as ingested as it is used in these sentences from the passage. parallelism !! It contains a nonrestrictive clause. Which words from the passage have negative connotations that support the author's point? Viewing student testing only from a student's perspective is missing the point. At last for the Danemen, The term " passage " refers to the explanation and description of a sentence in relation to a topic. Which statement accurately summarizes the impact of the Marbury v. Madison (1803) decision? Everyone knows this, and everyone should realize that no child deserves to feel unnecessary stress. Southern legislators succeeded in getting a federal "gag rule" because they feared that Walker's Appeal and other abolitionist writing would inspire slave revolts. Both poets use blank verse to express their feelings of despair and sorrow. Consider the excerpt and theme from Gilgamesh: A New English Version. In repute for prowess; the prince of the Geatmen They give readers images of the importance of family. What central idea do these excerpts work together to develop? Which rhetorical technique is the speaker using? Read the passage from Beowulf. A) Passage 1 uses a logical approach, while passage 2 contains appeals to emotion. BYZANTIUM. Which statement is accurate about the behavior of the conquistadors toward Native Americans? There was a lack of support for the war by minority ethnic groups. Workers try to work more quickly because their jobs are more boring. Both works are written in an Old English poetic style. Beowulf is sympathetic to the humans, while Grendel shows the monster's perspective. Based on the tone and content of the passage as a whole, its author is most likely Which statement best describes the main idea of the first paragraph (lines 1-10)? D) Passage 2 predicts the negative . A five-person group is better than a two-person group c. The number of people in a group affects relationships within the group. Which word from the passage helps characterize the shield as part of Anglo-Saxon culture? Read the passage from a speech by President Barack Obama. Profits would soar, as local businesses would be flooded with new clients on game nights. All their lives my parents, along with a nation of Dominicans, had learned the habits of repression, censorship, terror. "attainable". The author thinks thermometer pills are the only way to protect young athletes from heatstroke. The best comparison between the two poems is given by the statement, one poem uses free verse while the other is written in blank verse. Free verse is a form where there is no limitations of regular metre or rhythm. answer choices. The Comparative Reading set below includes seven sample questions. Alvarez contrasts her mother's insistence on silence with her own desire to tell stories. which statement about the two passages is accurate? You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Each text presents a different topic but uses the same tone and point of view. Push in each side of the glove box to disconnect it. Some word pairs will be antonyms, some will be synonyms, and some will simply be words often used in the same context. Alvarez traces how Trujillo demanded the tributes, how her family reacted, and how it was finally her mother's turn to pay tribute. Read the excerpt from "A Genetics of Justice" by Julia Alvarez. 4. It is true that students often work and do household chores, but managing homework in addition to other responsibilities helps students learn to organize their time efficiently and prioritize their studies. Read the passage. to provide the news media with a guaranteed profit. a Relative frequency must be expressed as a percent. The commotion of the city would be far behind her now. Imagine that anxiety, even though there were clearly alternatives available to avoid it. . Which statement best defines the term rhetoric? The passages show how people often did not know or understand the extent of Trujillo's deceit. Read the last paragraph of an argument in favor of censoring content on social media. He joyed in the night-work, Weegy: Poems are written to evoke emotions in readers. He thinks that the men's religious behavior is strange and interesting. 60 seconds. When phantom Bible passages turn dangerous. C. The conquistadors paid the Native Americans to allow them safe passage through Native American lands. Representatives are elected. Chemicals that could one day poison my body and lead me down a path of obesity and disease. They are well-staffed and have great facilities with a number of introduction rooms. Rhetoric is the practice of using hand gestures while speaking. Each text presents the same topic using the same Both Beowulf and Grendel think they are acting according to the will of the gods. Which statement is most accurate about race relations during WWII? Each text presents a different topic but uses the same tone and serves the same purpose. No wonder, since this charming little boutique lodge is in a converted 17th-century mansion (which, in turn, was built over a 13th-century abbey). who are just as precious and just as giftedlike the 16-year-old refugee from Myanmar that I met in Malaysiawho've suffered unspeakable abuse . Then it can be inferred that x implies z. . . First, find the TOEFL reading test with answers to understand the format to answer this section. character His brother, fell before his feet, (lines 42-43). i (buy) some new clothes at the moment. Q. c. nonfiction writers never use any type of figurative language. _____ In technical writing, the topic sentence usually appears first in the paragraph. Material tools of a culture, such as computers . Which statement best describes the main idea of the paragraph? The bible was written to reveal spiritual truth. Which statement about the two passages is accurate? Compare your own language above, extracted from your Declaration of Independence, with your cruelties and murders inflicted by your cruel and unmerciful fathers and yourselves on our fathers and on us-men who have never given your fathers or you the least provocation!!!!!!! There are two types of questions in each module. Psychologically, the scalar expectancy theory (SET) postulates that temporal sensory processing comprises different processes, including clock (pacemaker, switch, and accumulator), memory (short-term and reference memory), and decision stages ( Gibbon, 1977; Gibbon et al., 1984 ). Each text presents a different topic but uses the same tone and point of view. This was the second escapethis time with his whole familythat my father was planning. , but What branch of government gave Jefferson trouble? Question 22. Mr. Secretary General; Your Excellencies, we are here because, right now, in crowded camps and cities around the world, there are families . Choice A is incorrect because the passage does not provide observations made by other characters, only Read the Unseen Passage For Class 9 English With Answers given below and answer the questions that follow : 1. An era that will reorder the relationship between citizen and government, that will make government again responsive to people, that will revitalize the values of family, work, and neighborhood and that will restore our private and independent social institutions. Article 1. Childhood was rocky, but adolescence was a full-fledged war. "All day she play chess. The author explains that, even though Trujillo was executed, her parents found new reasons to fear him. To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. 120 seconds. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Alvarez describes how her family reacted to Trujillo's demands and how that affected their lives when they left the Dominican Republic. every day I am dying 10, 20, 30 times." A 2. which statement about janet's work is accurate? Then Bharat, finding prayer was vain, (1) Social media is here to stay. The thesis of the passage is that Camp David is a significant location for the United States presidency where presidents have conducted important meetings and where they have been able to find relaxation and respite from the demands of their positions. What is the effect of the repetition of the participle singing? What would you expect your critics to say? Which of the following justified that fear? Your student will be ahead of the curve with these games and worksheets that show her how to compare and contrast non-fiction materials. b The ratio that describes how many times a specific event occurs divided by the total number of events is called the data ratio. Evaluating tone gives readers a better understanding of the author's argument and purpose for writing. Rhetoric is when a speaker exaggerates to make a point. , erature. Which statement best expresses the unstated main idea of the above sentences? On the other hand, an inference may be taken out from a line or two of the passage, or even the whole passage. For the East-Danish people his boast had accomplished, Write a letter to your brother who is in Australia describing about your plan after final examination, Using suitable conjunction combine these simple sentences to form compound sentences .1. is this true ? D) Passage 2 is more effective because the evidence is logical and is supported by anecdotes. They are sad that Beowulf showed no mercy and Grendel is dead. D) allusion. _____ Chunking is relevant only for Web-based The marriage of one man to two or more women at the same is called ________. The tone of this speech could best be described as expressing a feeling of 3 . In this comparison, the form of metre of both the poems are juxtaposed with each other. They hacked down trees in widening rings around their central halls and blistered the land with peasant huts and pigpen fences till the forest looked like an old dog dying of mange. 2 answers: AveGali [126] 1 year ago. By weight, about 60% of an adult's human body is water and dehydration is one of the biggest single killers of children in the modern world. Her feet were swollen and hurting. even though Remove the filter case by holding both sides. A) Passage 1 uses a logical approach, while passage 2 contains appeals to emotion. The overuse of social media has led to a decline in the academic performance of this country's high school students. yes. alliteration Which reason can Sanjay use to most effectively refute the counterclaim? All afternoon, events were peaceful.everyone in the crowd felt good. There was even an . . some tests need to be at room temperature for 30 minutes before use. In conclusion, Employers must fire some of their workers so fewer people have to get the work done. "lucky" Divided, there is little we can dofor we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder. Which details does the author include to support the central idea about the result of the dictatorship? c's Which statements accurately compare the two passages? The author explains that the assassination freed her parents from fear, allowing them to leave the country. I believe we can embark on a new age of reform in this country and an era of national renewal. (3) Increasing access to social media for people who are afraid to use it or unwilling to try it should be the first step toward making the playing field a bit more even for everyone. The only way to achieve success is to fight for the things you believe in, such as freedom. Tags: Question 7. The answer to part A doesn't have any connection to the answer in part B. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the two-category hypothesis is likely to be true? Underline the word or words in parentheses that best complete each sentence. For each of the following sentences, write the correct word or expression from the pair in answer choices Safavid fervor for its brand of Islam slowly declined until the two empires stopped fighting. Fighting leads to contentment. 3.The physical environment may affect human activities, and human activities may affect the physical . "family friends" The writer will use a certain voice to convey the main idea and purpose of a passage. A) understatement Teachers should not assign a heavy homework load because many high school students have jobs and their share of household chores. It creates a new structure that the audience needs to hear, and it shows how long Gilgamesh's journey has been. Which constitutional principle does Madison describe in the passage? Unseen passages are also titled as comprehensions, which require in-depth thinking about the words to drive out the meanings and frame the ideal answers. on your side with your hips and knees slightly bent. Beowulf is a contemporary version of an old tale, while Grendel is based on oral tradition. The Early Centuries. Read the two passages. 120 seconds. You can buy the NASB on Amazon. Most units contained a high-ranking African-American commander. Select TWO options. Annotating a Text (Hunter College) This resource is designed for college students and shows how to annotate a scholarly article using highlighting, paraphrase, a descriptive outline, and a two-margin approach. Each text presents the same topic using a different tone and point of view. Observant of his sire's decree. C) a false dilemma Read the claim. But here is the key: It appears that the vast majority of big-media journalists are in total agreement with Donald Trump and leaders on the political far right on one . The author's mother thought of Trujillo constantly. And bade his brother turn again. Arguments, Premises And Conclusions . But there MIGHT BE archaeological evidence that a man of that name MAY HAVE lived around that time. Tidings of Rma's safe return. The seven leftmost digits show the time in conventional 24-hour format, as hours (2 digits), minutes (2 digits), seconds (2 digits), tenths of a second (1 digit). C) by adding the phrase "so a few lives might be saved" to the end of sentence 4. Accurate Documentation involves much more than a list of references at the end of your document. Unseen passage is one of the crucial parts of the English and Hindi syllabus of schools. Which statement best explains how the author develops the central idea throughout the passage?, Read the excerpt from "A Genetics of Justice" by Julia Alvarez. It encourages Gilgamesh to fight and adds excitement for the audience. B) tricolon The conquistadors allowed the Native Americans to practice their traditional religions. (Change into comparative Degree). Some of the vocabulary words have related meanings. It is a complex sentence. How does the evidence in the first passage differ from the evidence in the second? In the passage . Which statement best analyzes how the author develops the central idea across the two passages? O A. (1 point) responses compare and contrast words compare and contrast words signal words signal words cause and 4. Alvarez describes how her good behavior was an issue, or a thorn, for her mother. Each text presents the same topic using a different tone and point of view. The monarchy supports self-government. The TOEFL Reading section includes 3 to 4 TOEFL passages, each around 700 words. short pauses. 2. Ere I pass from the worldwith the proud warrior band. The parade went on for hours in the hot sun until my mother was sure she was going to faint. Mr. Secretary General; Your Excellencies, we are here because, right now, in crowded camps and cities around the world, there are familiesfrom Darfur in Chad, Palestinians in Lebanon, Afghans in Pakistan, Colombians in Ecuadorwho've endured yearsin some cases, decadesas refugees, surviving on rations and aid, and who dream of someday, somehow, having a home of their own. Listening is a natural, passive process. who've endured years . Similarly, Which statement best describes Grendel's perspective? Question 7 2 out of 2 points You are a senator from Kansas who wants to help farmers. d A two-way table is a way to . B) Passage 1 contains a false dilemma, while passage 2 contains a bandwagon appeal. . Both Beowulf and Grendel think they are acting to save the environment from further destruction. Which statements best describe this sentence? Source 1: The Loch Ness monster must exist. This much we pledgeand more. Seventy-five years ago, thousands of Haitians were murdered in the Dominican Republic by a brutal dictator. (twelve hundred seventy, $1270). True: You can find this information in the passage and it agrees with the statement. Authors abstract various longer works, including book proposals, dissertations, and online journal articles. They show readers how Latina families decorate their homes. Thousands had lost their lives in failed attempts to return the country to democracy. LESSON # 1. 2. -- David Walker's Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World, 182918291829. Write your answer on the answer line. It is a compound-complex sentence. English. How do the passages work together to develop a central idea? I would also note that Wehner uses much more accurate and appropriate language when describing evangelicals as part of a moment as opposed to being in the same "church." A) High school students are spending more time on social media than they are studying and completing homework. 300 seconds. high speed chase sumter sc 2021 Gilgamesh needs support to overcome his fear. THIS USER ASKED Which statement best summarizes a theme that is found in both passages THIS IS THE BEST ANSWER The statement that best summarizes a theme found in both passages is that humans can discover the divine by studying the natural world. CCSS.ELALiteracy.RL.910.7 Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment (e.g., Auden's "Muse des Beaux Arts" and Breughel's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus). "We hold these truths to be self-evident-that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!! Each text presents a different topic but uses the same tone and point of view. However, there are many others who do not, and these students are even more likely to leave their homework undone. rhyme, Read the passage from "A Shield." This image shows the flow of air and water vapor from the ocean to a mountain range and across it. analyzing the historical impact of the text. Saved it from violence. a. Grendel is described as an unfeeling creature in Beowulf, but he is a sensitive and emotional character in Grendel. One poem uses free verse, while the other is written in blank verse. . Bettered their burdensome bale-sorrows fully, By the time my mother married my father, however, she knew all about the true nature of the dictatorship. Read the passage from Beowulf. Which details does the author include to support the central idea about the result of the dictatorship? The greatest riches in all America have arisen from our blood and tears: .. You must decide if the information in the statement is True, False or Not Given according to the information in the reading passage. Which detail from Gilgamesh: A New English Version best illustrates a courageous hero? Read the passage from "A Shield." Scientists have discovered a hidden passage inside Egypt's Great Pyramid, the authorities announced on Thursday, part of a seven-year international research project.The passage is nine metres (30 feet) in length and more than two metres in width, the antiquities ministry said in a statement.Egypt's Tourism and Antiquities Minister Ahmed Issa told reporters at the ancient site in Giza also . The first passage is relevant, while the second passage is irrelevant. Free verse is a form where there is no limitations of regular metre or rhythm. It was definitely much smaller than she thought it would be, but it held a certain kind of simple charm. a situation in which something that is intended or expected to happen does not happen, or when the outcome is the opposite of what is expected. Othey did not want to be separated. , ising a nost enjoyable activity wak cupin 5 A mob Five streching, and five yoga Asuns., Change the degrees of comparison without changing the meaning of the sentence. Alvarez explains that, although her parents reacted differently to the stress they endured, both became silent about the dictatorship. D) Obama uses logical evidence, since it is common sense that most young girls are gifted. The statement that the Wandering Jew appeared in Lubeck in 1601, does not tally with the more precise chronicle of Henricus Bangert, which gives: "Die 14 Januarii Anno MDCIII., adnotatum reliquit Lubec fuisse Judum illum immortalem, qui se Christi crucifixioni interfuisse affirmavit." In 1604 he seems to have appeared in Paris. C) Social media is causing many problems in society, including a lack of attention and a more negative attitude toward education. The different passage is to justify to the different things as to clarify. "His track 'Like a Rolling Stone' has taken on mythic standing in the decades since its release; many, including Dylan himself, have pointed to it as emblematic of a sea change in American music." His brother, fell before his feet, F) Obama uses anecdotal evidence, since he shares a personal experience he has had with a refugee. answer choices. "chemicals" It creates a rhythmic pattern that the audience can follow, and it signals that the audience will hear a new dream. ; It identifies Rma as supernatural. He ruled the realm with watchful care, Even though students may work or help out at home, it is impossible to learn in today's overcrowded classrooms. To my father and other men in the country, the most humiliating of these tributes was the occasional parade in which women were made to march and turn their heads and acknowledge the great man as they passed the review stand. Once ingested these capsules send an internal body temperature reading to a portable device that is not much bigger than a palm pilot.". The passage is to define the important terms. Without a solution, the trouble will be great. Comparing these three stories indicates the angels at the tomb probably had a human-like appearance (although Matthew describes only one angel with a "lightning-like appearance" and a white robe). Then, I would not shut up. Each passage set includes a passage, a series of multiplechoice questions, and at least one constructedresponse question. Read the excerpt from "Remembering to Never Forget: Dominican Republic's 'Parsley Massacre'" by Mark Memmott. Two factors that create a story's setting are . C) anaphora 30 Questions Show answers. It was one of the 20th Century's least-remembered acts of genocide. Alvarez traces how Trujillo demanded the tributes, how her family reacted, and how it was finally her mother's turn to pay tribute. Which statement correctly analyzes how the passages work together to create a central idea? . (The strongest passage supporting the idea of the Trinity, for example. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centrE. In repute for prowess; the prince of the Geatmen an overall message. The word best in the question tells me that I will need to choose the most accurate answer and to watch out for distracting answers. That same year, 1937, El Generalsimo ordered the overnight slaughter of some eighteen thousand Haitians, who had come across the border to work on sugarcane plantations for slave wages. The truth about God, the truth about us and the revelation of God's kingdom and his will for our lives. Weary of weapons.I have witnessed much fighting, SURVEY. Which statement best explains how the author develops the central idea throughout the passage? It creates a vivid image that the audience can see, and it establishes a more realistic way of storytelling. This module has two passage sets. Here, Auntie Lindo, Waverly's mother, is speaking to the narrator's mother about Waverly. The young airman spoke of the wastefulness of war. The 30 study participants previously had tested positive for COVID-19. . if you are using a nasal swab, blow your nose before collecting the sample . More than 10,000 people claim to have sighted the serpent-like monster. English Standard Version. In "Day of the Butterfly," Myra and Jimmy would spend recess in the little black porchbetween the Boys' Side and the Girls' Side because (B)The conquistadors tried to educate the Native Americans about the need to care for their lands. . Delivery & Pickup Options - 137 reviews of Marino's Seafood "Greasy. Each text presents the same topic using a different tone and point of view. Gravity always attracts, never repels.