Dextrans in Aqueous Solution. Experimental Review on Intrinsic Enhanced topical delivery of small hydrophilic or lipophilic active agents and epidermal growth factor by fractional radiofrequency microporation. Surface morphology study of dextran by scanning electron microscopy showed the porous web like structure. Immediately after formation, the microchannels are filled with interstitial fluid, making them hydrophilic, and a suitable drug delivery system [15]. WebTo address this perception, in the current study, FITC-dextran of different MWs (10, 70 and 150 kDa) was used to model the transdermal delivery of low MW biotherapeutics and mAbs with MWs of approximately 150 kDa. Search Degrees of long-chain branching in dextrans. Porcine wound models for skin substitution and burn treatment. Structural and biocompatibility properties of dextran from NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program. The value of P increases from 1.0272 to 1.2694 (spherical shape with tendency to spheroid for high Mw). In this work, we evaluate the maximum radius of macromolecules able to enter into HeLa cells following a plasma treatment using a size exclusion approach with dextran molecules. Thus, typically, the dextran glomerular for a molecule with a Stokes-Einstein (SE) radius of 30 is approximately sevenfold higher than that of neutral horseradish Pathan IB, Setty CM. 2011;5(2):95132. Transdermal delivery is of great importance for the effective delivery of bioactive or therapeutic agents into a body. Fusco V, Quero GM, Cho GS, Kabisch J, Meske D, Neve H, Bockelmann W, Franz CM. In the range of working temperatures and molecular weights of dextrans, similar intrinsic viscosity results obtained by other researchers and published here are slight, as shown in tables 1 and 3. The intrinsic viscosity classical theory of random coils at conditions []0 predicts the quotient a0 = d ln[]0/d ln M to decrease from unity to 0.5 as the chain length increases. Comparison of single-point and dilution procedures. The micropores of the human cadaver skin were regenerated according to the time. Lpez Martnez, M. C.; Daz Baos, F. G.; Ortega Retuerta, A.; Garca de , J. The particular dextrans which were used initially for conversion into synthetic blood-volume expanders [6, 7], human red blood cells aggregation for increasing the degree of polymerization and hence the molecular weight [8, 9, 10], hydrogels and microspheres [11], in drug transport system and its modifications as nanoparticles [12], in the removal through absorption of contaminant effluents such as heavy metals, organic molecules and inks [13], in the formation of biodegradable films [14, 15]. (1990). The solutions were prepared in bidestilated water at 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25 % wt. 2021 Aug;13(4):915-925. doi: 10.1007/s12602-021-09751-1. WebThe hydrodynamic radius ( Rh) determined by our Fluidity instruments is the Stokes radius, or the size of a hard spherical particle that diffuses at the same rate as the protein (s) detected. Dextran; Weissella cibaria; exopolysaccharide; prebiotic; skimmed milk. Eng. Castellanos Gil, E. E.; Iraizoz Colarte, A.; El Ghzaoui, A.; Durand, D.; Delarbre, J.L. Dextran 670 GPC Standard | Pharmacosmos Dextran As intrinsic viscosity of dextrans decreases with an increase in solution temperature; chain flexibility enhances with an increase in temperature (see Table 4) showing that the intrinsic viscosity of dextran (with different molecular weights Mw from 8.8 to 200kDa) decreases linearly with an temperature increase in solution, but change to high molecular weight to hyperbranched macromolecule. Figure1 shows a schematic illustration of transdermal delivery after the application of the microporation device. The molecular weight and Simha number do not change in this temperature range (Mw from 8.8-200kDa), P slightly change, showing modifications in the hydrodynamic properties of the biopolymer in aqueous solution as [] and RH. Working with the molecular weights given by the manufacturer and compare them with the molecular weights, calculated from the Mark-Houwink parameters in this work; can be seen that the %RE obtained, see Table 6. Regulating dynamic signaling between hematopoietic stem cells Chapter 2.1.4 Suspended level viscometers for transparent liquid, Ubbelohde Viscometer page 28-31. Studies carried out at different ionic strength you can see them in the references [64, 65] and works with different solvents in the references [66, 67]. The reason for a nonlinear Mark-Houwink relationship is confirmed by the intrinsic viscosity which in contrast with scaling prediction shows no power law behavior. 56 The linkage that the enzyme dextranase breaks down is indicated by the black arrow. Transdermal delivery of FITC-Dextrans with different molecular weights using radiofrequency microporation. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Banga AK. Kirkland, J. J.; Dilks, C. H.; Rementer, S. W. (1992). Kam Y, Sacks H, Kaplan KM, Stern M, Levin G. Radio frequency-microchannels for transdermal delivery: characterization of skin recovery and delivery window. These studies were again focused on investigating the hydrodynamic properties of the polymer molecules, their hydrodynamic radius in relation to their radius of gyration and the coherence of the simulation results with polymer theory. WebThis value is sensible given that i j = 0 and that the search radius of the clustering algorithm is slightly larger than the average segment length of our Dextran model (b 5.5 nm). Google Scholar. Intrinsic viscosity of bovine serum albumin conformers. (more or less, with a hydrodynamic radius of less than 100 nm) to cross from the vasculature into the interstitium. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. European Polymer Journal, 42, 1086-1092. The enhanced permeability through micropores was confirmed by Franz diffusion cell. 4K, b M.W. Small Intestinal Permeability and Gut-Transit Time Determined (1954). (more or less, with a hydrodynamic radius of less than 100 nm) to cross from the vasculature into the interstitium. WebHydrodynamic radius = variable size of an analyte with specific MW based on dynamical properties. CAS Viswanath, D.S. The human and pig skin samples were placed in the receiver chamber of the Transdermal diffusion cell system with the SC facing up and the donor chamber was fixed in place. The study of biopolymers as dextran in aqueous solution, is effectively determined by intrinsic viscosity [] measurements at different temperatures. (2003). Carbohydrate Polymers 99, 199-207. The effectiveness of the RF microporation technique in transdermal drug delivery of macromolecules and hydrophilic agents such as peptides, hormones, and vaccines has been demonstrated extensively in previous studies [16,17,18]. Curvale, R.; Masuelli, M.; Perez Padilla, A. Dextran (DX) is one type of EPS synthesized by LAB in the presence of sucrose (R g), radius of hydrodynamic (R h), polymer conformation parameter ( = R g /R h), intrinsic viscosity ([]), Mark-Houwink coefficient () and branching degree of DXs of RPYs prepared under different conditions. Although we didnt conduct assay for inflammation, we could not find any inflammation symptoms such as redness, blisters, cracked, and thickening. Keywords: Careers. Molecular weight (M v) and hydrodynamic properties can be calculated from there. Advances in Physical Chemistry, Vol. Hydrodynamic WebTry out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Before In a poor solvent which shows a positive heat of mixing, segments of a polymer molecule attract each other in solution more strongly than attract the surrounding solvent molecules. Webdextran hydrodynamic radius. ; Grishchenko, A.E. If plotted for all molecular weights, the double logarithm of [] and Mw, the value of a obtained in all cases shows a value smaller than 0.5, which reports that dextran macromolecule has a degree of hyperbranched with increasing molecular weight and increases much for higher Mw (< 200kDa) which making the application of M-H method more difficult. Journal Argentine Chemical Society 100 (2013) 25-34. PMC ; Yevlampieva N.P. For rigid macromolecules, it is also conventional to combine a solution property with the volume of the particle itself, or with a quantity directly derived from it [54, 55, 56]. (2004). (1999). Characterization of high molecular weight dextran produced by Weissella cibaria CMGDEX3. The hydrodynamic radius is important in predicting transretinal penetration Carroll PJ. Accessibility Physicochemical studies of oligodextran. The explanation for the anomalous values of a and kM-H is because the mixture solute-solvent is highly compatible due a great compaction of biopolymer, from undisturbed state in the absence of interactions, where free energy of mixing less than zero, and emphasize the nature non-linear or hyperbranched of dextran for Mw high to 200kDa. TdB Labs produce a wide range of FITC-derivatives (490 nm/520 nm) with a mean molecular weight ranging from 4 kDa to 2000 kDa. (2008). Critical parameters for gel permeation A lot of research has been devoted to dextrans modification in order to describe special characteristics relevant to specific applications such as surfactants [16], as visible marker [17], polysaccharides-based nanoparticles, covalent crosslinking [18], ionic crosslinking, polyelectrolyte complex, and the self-assembly of hydrophobically modified polysaccharides, and hydrophilic modified polysaccharides [19]. Polymer molecular weight distribution. Durand, A. The Mark-Houwink parameters indicate the dependence with temperature (T) in the range from 20 to 50C, ie with increasing T a increases and kM-H decreases. Determination of the intrinsic viscosity has been the most used measurement in the last 60 years. Table 1 shows some values of dextrans Mark-Houwink parameters, from literature consulted, where all data are based on the logarithmic plot of intrinsic viscosity [] and molecular weight Mw.