I have diabetes, had prostate cancer, heart disease requiring open heart surgery and a brain tumor. I was at NKP 1967-68 with the 56th Transportation Squadron. Was diagnosed with Parkinsons with lewy body dementia. 5, 3 ARRGp with a total of 23 airmen. It was during this time I started to have pain radiating down my right leg. need to look that up, here in CA we have County Veterans Services Officers, some are Very Good about telling you what to do, and filling out some paperwork, one I know, here in CA to fill out the form for CA DMV to have Vets added to your CA drivers license to prove you are a Vet for Vet Discounts !!! I remember watching them clear the perimeter so my question does the VA recognize Takhli around that time for agent orange area to worry about. VA states I gotta prove it, thats its agent orange connected.VA government. Well I got called up and guarded the base perimeter. Phan Rang, Vietnam. I was stationed at NKP in 1970-71, 1987th Comm. I now take that to mean Hmong tribesmen. The following 59 U.S. military bases were suffering from significant water or soil contamination a year ago, according to the Department of Defense's interpretation of its latest hazardous waste survey. I know he went to Thailand when the 17 was deactivated to work on AC-130s. Looking for any one who knew Glenn Orn Fisher Jr who was in the Air Force from 1956-1970. worked KC-135 and B-52D flight line phase on west side and Bomber run-up 0n the Eastside. Best of luck to those in pursuit of a fair settlement. Thank you for your time. Would love to hear from anyone else that may have been there during this time. Have a successful claim? Just wondering on how to let others contact me. Never considered AO as the issue. 500 meters is measure from base perimeter fence. I was stationed at NKP from Jan 71 to Jan 72. I did have Prostate Cancer, thinking to apply to VA again, but was too busy, that 20% got me free medical care, took my prostate out, too large for radiation, as well as all the above, so prostate was cut out, and other trips to the ER, here and elsewhere, always went back to my VA PCP at VA McClellan Park, and she set me up for followup appointments for PT, GI, etc. THEY HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO AGENT ORANGE AND HAVE BEEN DENIED DISABILITY BENEFITS PLEASE CONTACT ME. George Air Force Base, California; Department of Defense Appropriations Bill, 1997 "CHUCK" YEAGER Retired March 1, 1975 . I have Coronary Artery Disease, COPD and Psoriasis on my right hand. I was an aircraft painter. I was not at Takhli but at U-Tapao. Christmas campaign. To Pat Kearny My late husband William M. Beach was stationed at Korat I think in 1973. *personal information removed per policy*. I the Va has told me they cna find no records of my assignment to security as a Agumentee Im diabetic have neuropathy stomach issues and severe hearing loss va has given me 30% but denied my exposure to AO as they claim i was a Photographer. I am not sure where he ended up, thought it was Saigon, but told us some interesting stories. If anyone else that was stationed at NKP, especially the 6908th have had issues believed to be agent orange related please post here. I remember your parties as being exciting events! We had to disembark in Vietnam for the refueling. I am a indochina vet myself, says it on my dd-214, Themapped data concerning American forces isbroken down by color:Red symbolsrepresent U.S Army installations and facilities that numbered 45; the blue U.S. Navy and Coast Guard installations that numbered 18; the green U.S. Air Force installations that numbered 28; and thebrown Joint and Others locations that numbered 11. Dynamiques spatio-temporelles des plantations forestires industrielles dans le sud chilien : De l'analyse diachronique la modlisation prospective [en ligne]. I am working on behalf of his estate as last denial came in 12/2021 claiming no proof of actual Vietnam service even though awarded the Vietnam Service and Campaign ribbons. I was stationed at Korat RTAFB from 6/2/67 to 6/2/68. ANY ONE STATIONED OR KNOW ANYONE , AT US ARMY TROPO , SCATTER SITE COMPOUND , ABOUT 12 MILES NOTH OF KHON KAEN , NE THAILAND FEBAPRIL 1968, IT WAS . The long story was that airfield became operational on March 15, 1966. I was TDY to Utapao AB in 1968. I had heart surgery in 2017. I went to Amphitheatre High School during the Vietnam War and had a high school choir teacher, Mr. FUNK. Im asking for help in this matter. rats n tower with bug. Any help with info on units flying these missions or anyone recognizing his name, or serving during this time flying similar missions please reach out to me. This photo was taken in May 1969 during a VIP visit to Phan Rang AB, RVN by M/Gen. All of a sudden a woman started screaming, and running toward the plane, they were unable to stop her!! I do believe that every Service Member who was Deployed to Thailand was affected in some fashion medically and health wise. I only found out that agent orange was part of my life. Nearly 11 million liters of Agent Orange were handled on the base. I,m 90% disabled & will help any way I can. To Dan Furches. our base was clear of all vegatation, but surrounded by thick forested jungle. Im still fighting this and will not give up! I worked at the Vayama ammunition Depot during my tour of duty. Lots of memories of off shift evenings at the Airmans Club, the outdoor theater for USO shows and later the newly opened 21 Club. It took two more years, but praise be to God, my claim was approved this year. I believe I have bladder cancer as a result of exposure to AO. I came down with type II Diabetes and then in 2006 I was diagnosed with Hairy cell Leukemia. I lost my husband, also a Vietnam vet, who served in Saigon and in Thailand, who for years ignored symptoms, playing ostrichwhen he felt lousy, which was about most of the time, hed say, its just my allergies. There was also a USAF Security Squadron stationed near the airport. See more ideas about vietnam, phan, vietnam war. Finally approved in 2017. So he traveled through the gate daily. None of which would diagnose me but give me all sorts of drugs. I arrived at Phan Rang in August of 1965 with Co B, 62 Engineers Bn. He leaves behind a wife and three grandchildren they were raising. I was there 70 71 315 CAM C123 OLD SHAKEY SGT ROLAND IVY ALSO AUGMENTEE FOR AIR FORCE SECURITY. Have questions regarding AO issues. Dont give up we served our country but didnt know that we would be sprayed and betrayed. Prostate monitor. He passed away in 1997. I was at Takhli from June 1969 to June 1970. If you worked on the flight line, as a security guard on the perimeters, electronic techs on the planes, base repairs, or construction, you need to explain your job and how it exposed you to AGENT Praise God were home some of us !!!!! Our work shifts were 12/7 during my time there. Worked F-4DS WCS looking for anyone on flight line during this time. If anyone is having issues I would like information. Worked on the flight line as a Crew Chief on EB-66s tail# 424 I was stationed at Happy Valley from Nov 68 Nov 69 with the 554th Red Horse Squadron and we constructed most of the Concrete Sky aircraft shelters. Was TDY with SAC to Utapoa in 1968. They were UNDERMANNED. Have fun fighting the system. He never took anything from the VA, saying that he could work and he had Brothers that needed it more than he did. Made 100% disabled in 36 days. Phan Rang Air Base - History - LiquiSearch Hi there. Please read our Comment & Posting Policy. Was anyone station there during that time that might remember any of this time and remember where he lived. I had to get my APRs for proof I was TDY at Tahkli. If anyone was at Korat AFB between Augus-September 1973 would love to compare notes. Nkp June 67 June 68 munitions bomb dump special project seeding trails south with bomblets and sensors.ao used to clear diagnosed with prostate cancer. I am writing for my father, Ken Hamlin. Information is presented in a fashion similar to the front page. Thank you for all this great blog. {Response to: Post No# 8 D lashay Larry. My dad was there just after you, in the Red Horse 12/69-12-70. I was tdy all over Thailand, I dont have any pictures or anything that I can provide evidence of AO, I cant even remember the camp name. I do have a DD 214. I was in AMS working on the Defensive Fire Control System (Gunnery System) on the B-52. He passed away on 08/06/2020. Reply to Wilfredo Caban. philippines weather july. He has terminal prostate cancer, mets to the bones, multiple myeloma and Polycythemia Vera (blood disorder). The FLR-9 Why is this happening? I was at Udorn in 67. Subsection (b)(2) reads: performed in Thailand at any United States or Royal Thai base during the period beginning on January 9, 1962, and ending on June 30, 1976, without regard to where on the base the veteran was located or what military job specialty the veteran performed; If youve got any of the many presumptive AO conditions it should be an automatic approval if you file a claim. I often played trumpet with the band The Jugglers at the Sampan Club downtown when I wasnt working the night shift. Can I use this blog as apiece of evidence to support his claim? Donald Raymond Sandve? Phu Cat Air Base History - 12tfw.org I was stationed at NKP as a Security Policeman from May70-May71. I have heart disease and Parkinsons. I met a lot of you folks as we took requests that ranged from the music of Chicago, Blood Sweat & Tears, etc. I worked on the FLIR, NOS and Fire Control. Nevada VA hospital. I was first with the 35 FMS and finished with the 352 FS doing periodic maintenance on F-100s. My original records were burned in a Saint Louis fire and my copies were lost during a flood. I was there from ,DEC.72 thru SEPT. 73 . 1.Board of Veteran Appeals ruled flight line is an extension of the perimeter. I went TDY to Sattihip and other places. The club house building is still intact and pretty much original, although the barracks block is long gone. He worked as supply clerk for 809th infantry division, a construction detachment. Misc. Phan Rang Photos - 71st SOS VA has given me my hearing aids. That, I was defending freedom and those who were 877-222-8387, TDD (Hearing Impaired) Suffered from horrible neuropathy in legs since 1990s but civilian doctors not I ever considered AO. He stayed at the hooches where he spent 10 hours a day. We spent many hours weekly on the permimeter road recovering M113 and M706 APC broken or mired in mud. Did you by any chance know him? When I told him that my brother would not disclose anything this fellow said my brother displayed excellent loyalty and discipline. A contract was awarded in 1968 for project Combat Hornet, for a total of 52 additional gunships. A lot of memories from 52 years ago. Besides reuniting with old friends and making new ones, our goal is to preserve the stories of our Phan Rang brothers. Dynamic Analysis of Automatic Emotion Recognition Using Generalized Additive Mixed Models By the way, there was a lot of complaints about the barracks area. I have prostate cancer and I have provided proof that I was there and is still awaiting a decision. I am currently appealing the denial of a claim for hypertension and have a claim for stage 3 kidney disease as secondary to the diabetes type II pending. As part of the US withdrawal from Vietnam, the base was turned over to South Vietnam. Please share. served in warin communications station a few miles west of the laotion cambodian border. My husband was at Udorn. He was NCOIC of Jag claims office. It worked find but use did not last. Results Focused Influencer Marketing. I was in the Army and sent from Okinawa Japan to Sattahip Thialand (TDY) in support of operation Babylift in 1975. Agent Orange used on Tan Son Nhut - TSNA I spent all my time working along the flight line and travelled all over that base for 46 days. In 2005 or 2010 I received a letter from the VA stating in reference to Agent Orange, At Takhli. Arived May 66 ( gray eagle) period built a few hotches then worked at the bomb dump then pylon shop waiting for F100s to arive then assigned to loading evaluation team left April 67. I was assigned to Ubon RTAFB (7/71 6/72) and, Don Muang RTAFB (8/73 8/74 & 8/74 8/75) with the U.S. Air Force Postal & Courier Service (UAFPCS) on all three assignments. I worked in POL @ Utapao from May 1973 to May 74. Thank You. We were also stationed at Clark Air Base in the Philippines from 1964 to 66. I was a Security police augmentee I too was exposed. Ischemic heart disease and diabetes. He stationed at Ubon but spent time in the field and at Udon. old and a widower. WOW!!!! I served at Tahkli, Sept. 67 to May of 68, then 3 months at U-Tapao and then 3 montns at CCK, all as an electrician working on KC-135s & B-52s SAC 4258. Was made 100% disabled in 36 days. She asked me if I was in the military during the Vietnam war. Reassigned to Malmstrom AFB, Montana for the second time in my career. He was at Udon 1969 to 1971. Thomas Acklin , your name sounds familiar to me my husband Richard was stationed at Ko Kha 74-75. I found maps of the Thai bases on line, had the vet mark where he was at on base, and how close it was to the perimeter, and the claims have been approved. TDY to Korat from Sept 72 until March 73 working on the Wild Weasels from McConnel. I remember how fast everything turned brown and the strong smell that lasted a few days. I filed a claim with the VA. First they said that AO was not used at Tahkli since 1964, then they said that They never received my medical records( which I sent). Anyone searching for fellow Air Force Security Police K-9 veterans that served in Thailand please visit https://www.thailanddoghandlers.com/, The link to the CHECO Report is: Am I eligible for VA benefits? Det 25 10th Weather Squadron. I was stationed at Korat, Thailand in 1970-71. The team I arrived with had now departed for the States. Borrowed in absentia may be better suited. Thanks. My mother has been working this mostly but I am working to help. He passed away 15 Dec 2020. I was a canine dog handler along the flightline and base parameters and one of my most common memories was the smell of the chemical agents to kill vegetation and the mosquito foggers. I was stationed at Ubon Aug 64 to Aug 65. Im a diabetic, have thyroid issues. His name was Robert Lewis . I remember helping setting up those tents right after we got there including a close call with a king cobra. Now and then a troop who been at Phan Rang more than two or three months would hear his wife or girl friend start crying. Why because unlike todays veterans who get 100 % disability for a bum knew or anxiety everyone know the Vietnam Vet gets nothing. For those stationed in Thailand, the VA rules state you must have been within 500 meters of the perimeters to qualify for exposure to AO. The base there had a beautiful new hospital which had been constructed as a triage for wounded soldiers air lifted out of Viet Nam before being sent back to the states. Viet Nam 1966 - Phan Rang. we also mantained communications contact with lima 11 in paske laos, which was rocket attacked the time i was there. I was turned down for the agent orange list. Service officers tell me different things. Painted F-4s. Also did guard duty 3 times on the outskirts of the base when we were on high alert, not listed on my record. I was a Security Police K9 handler.