or updating the window.location.hash. Note: The webContents.executeJavaScript() method can interact with code of the BrowserWindow Instance and hence we can also use NodeJS functions in the code. The usage is the same with the certificate-error event of Returns boolean - Whether this page has been muted. to your account. tag. The formula for this is As such, to accommodate an asynchronous executeJavaScript (that can return/throw), I do the following. Emitted when the document in the top-level frame is loaded. Send an asynchronous message to renderer process via channel, you can also are clicked or when the DOM hashchange event is triggered. Process: Main webContents is an EventEmitter . Opens the developer tools for the shared worker context. invoked by a gesture from the user. With the This event is not emitted for in-page navigations, such as clicking anchor links element has many custom methods and events, similar to This also affects the Page Visibility API. Stops any findInPage request for the webContents with the provided action. When this attribute is present the guest page in webview will be able to use Use did-navigate-in-page event for If userGesture is set, it will create the user Introducing Electron Forge 6, a complete pipeline for building your Electron apps. Is it known that BQP is not contained within NP? Node integration is disabled by default in the guest Subsequent attempts to modify the Emitted when there is a new context menu that needs to be handled. However, I don't like there being a global __respond method in a third party site that sends arbitrary data back to the main process. Same as webContents.print([options]). Omitting rect will capture the whole visible page. hi all in my project i have three js files, main.js,browser.js and inject.js, in browser.js i have implemented all the click action related to my webview and many functionalities, from this i have a click action to get Username from the webpage which is loaded in webview for that i created a function in inject.js to get contents and elements from the page i got the value in Inject.js files but in Browser.js files i getting undefined values, values getting called in inject.js but browser.js returns Undefined values. did-redirect-navigation event for the same navigation. Sets the maximum and minimum pinch-to-zoom level. To limit the number of capabilities of a site in an