WebThe Eagle Has Landed may refer to:"The Eagle has landed" (Apollo 11), quotation of 1969 Apollo 11's moon landing The Eagle Has Landed (album), 1982 album by the band Saxon The Eagle Has Landed Part II, 1996 album by the band Saxon The Eagle Has Landed part 3, 2006 album by the band Saxon "The Eagle Has Neil Armstrong 6 Likes First I shall name the eagle, of which there are three species: the great grey eagle is the largest, of great strength and high flight; he chiefly preys on fawns and other young quadrupeds. But he will not make friends with any of these creatures and when his heart aches with longing, he will curse me. There was more! I got so much sensation, I cant feel a thing. WebPower and strength. Beautiful Good Night Inspirational, Famous Quotes about Gold - 50+ Gold Quotes and Sayings, 240+ Old Friends Quotes and Sayings about Meeting Old, 400+ Hypocrisy Quotes! A box-Brownie photo, by God, of that fire climbing down the sky to blow you like a penny whistle, suck your soul back up along the bright stair! If you are an eagle, dont attack the sparrow; be just! The eagle has landedwe just touched down in Texas, so we'll be seeing you soon. I asked her to look at me and after a few moments - (pause) - after a few moments she did, but the eyes just slits, because of the glare I bent over her to get them in the shadow and they opened. Im afraid Id have to know more context to know what exactly you could say instead. The day came when his old fellow travelers could pass overhead without his even hearing their call. Thats how committed they are to this. . [deleted] 7 yr. ago The pigeon craps at midnight 2 ThisIsChawlie 7 yr. ago I play Battlefield 4 too seriously "Echo-2-5 this is Sierra-1-1" Okay. You cant tell me theres a better rock band ever than Led Zeppelin. Just look at domesticated animals, at mongrel dogs, and mixed breed horses, and youll know the Great Mystery didn`t intend them to be that way. Houston, Tranquillity Base here. The outspread wings of the American eagle are broad enough to shelter all who are likely to come. , Ive always thought the American eagle needed a left wing and a right wing. Dont hold onto the old man, the world; dont refuse to regain your youth in Christ, who says to you: The world is passing away; the world is losing its grip; the world is short of breath. Thats encouraging, considering an eight-ounce jar of hazelnuts costs about nine dollars. I asked her to look at me and after a few moments - (pause) - after a few moments she did, but the eyes just slits, because of the glare I bent over her to get them in the shadow and they opened. For the Truth the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America He is besides, though a little vain & silly, a Bird of Courage, and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on. , The Democrats talked about putting people first. Ashes and Snow is a 21st-century bestiary filled with species from around the world. And years later were still charging less than them. , Farewell, they cried, Wherever you fare till your eyries receive you at the journeys end! That is the polite thing to say among eagles. You got a bunch of guys about to turn blue. And what makes one a genius? The ability to recognize. Recognize what? The butterfly in a caterpillar: the eagle in an egg; the saint in a selfish human being., The first thing was to get down to Addie Richardsons henhouse, and that was a goodish way, four or five miles. I see thee stand, And on the suns noon-glory gaze; With eye like his, thy lids expand, And fringe their disk with golden rays: Though fixd on earth, in darkness rooted there, Light is thy element, thy dwelling air, Thy prospect heaven., Methinks I see in my mind a noble and puissant nation rousing herself like a strong man after sleep, and shaking her invincible locks; methinks I see her as an eagle mewing her mighty youth, and kindling her undazzled eyes at the full midday beam.. Everything is yellow. I didnt know it at the time, but what really came out of my Scouting was learning how to lead and serve the community. Number 2. So please get your rags and your polishing jars, somebody has to go polish the stars. , I loved both [Bob] Seger and the Eagles, knowing why they didnt play some of the songs I wanted to hear. "The eagle has landed" (euphemism for the culmination of the act responsible for creating aforementioned daughter) Posted: 10/29/2005 8:33:21 PM EST (usu. Have I done everything I could to earn my grandchilds fondness? 24+ Clean Comebacks for Bullies Thatll Make You Smile, Is My Boss a Narcissist Quiz (10 Questions to Help You Find Out! The wonder of the eagle were the less, But he not less the eagle., Tim Tebow may be back in the NFL with the Philadelphia Eagles. The hippogriff was actually, therefore, only one-quarter eagle, which is two dollars and fifty cents in gold. I believe in blood, fire, woman, rivers, eagles, storm, drums, flutes, banjos, and broom-tailed horses. , Tiny as a sparrow, fierce as an eagle, Lisbeth Salander is one of the great Scandinavian avengers of our time, an angry bird catapulting into the fortresses of power and wiping smiles off the faces of smug, predatory pigs., Theres no question that the galleries still like to see birdies and eagles. Heaven begun is the living proof that makes the heaven to come credible. You know, Im an eagle, flying around in the mountains. Link Wray. People say you are a genius. He started it. , All I cared about was the music, like hearing Townes [Van Zandt] talking about For the sake of the song; its all that mattered. Didnt the eagle find a fresh liver to tear in Prometheus every time it dined? And you aint seen nothin yet! If you want to fly with eagles, stop swimming with ducks.. In 1943 sixteen German paratroopers landed in England. They were quiet; they kept to themselves. , Yeah, I had it all mapped out actually. WebWell, let's put it this way, you'll be a major by nightfall or dead Jack Higgins, The Eagle Has Landed 3 likes Like Words become meaningless, the mind cuts itself off from reality for a little while, a necessary breathing space until one is ready to cope. Jack Higgins, The Eagle Has Landed 3 likes Like It also sounds better than a baseball stadium. 12. You ought not to be rude to an eagle, when you are only the size of a hobbit, and are up in hid eyrie at night! They see from the sky what we never see. , I know that there are some people who are perpetually negative. In his lament he is like an animal. Where do vanished objects go? Into nonbeing, which is to say, everything, replied Professor McGonagall. My spirit will spread an eagles wings, and fly forth., Eagles: When they walk, they stumble. So much so that I know several people who predictably will use The Eagle Has Landed to describe anything from a friend or a package arriving to an email landing in their inbox! But you people think if there is no Super Eagles we wont exist. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them? The sea breaks on the pale line of the shore; to the Eagles proud glance waves run in to the foot of the hills that are like rocks planted in green water. , If we would reach a degree of civilization higher and grander than any yet attained, we should welcome to our ample continent all the nations, kindreds, tongues and peoples, and as fast as they learn our language and comprehend the duties of citizenship, we should incorporate them into the American body politic. But others we just need a little flexibility. , Beauty is, in some way, boring. WebPower and strength. The Eagles wings are silken, but its claws are made of steel. , Its a great event to get outside and enjoy nature. Neil Armstrong. Image credits Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash. Its serial, _The Eagle Has Flown_, was published in 1991. Keener than a young eagles is its sight. , The League is very well when sparrows shout, but no good at all when eagles fall out. , The bird of Jove, stoopd from his aery tour, two birds of gayest plume before him drove., The Eagles and the Captain and Tennille ruled the airwaves, and we were the answer to it. , In the early days, you would get skinheads, the Eagles and Black Sabbath playing the same show. , My first figure was a SLAYER eagle. I've never had any problem with going to the lengths of what a film demands. Thanks a lot. I really do. Have I done all to keep the air fresh? While other birds were taking cover, the eagle was soaring. We copy you on the ground. , The eagle has no fear of adversity. And me I'm so fly, I swear I came in a plane then landed in a lot. I see no seat for the eagles. Directed by John Sturges. You paid for every second of beauty you managed to steal., Democracy is the eagle on the back of a dollar bill, with 13 arrows in one claw, 13 leaves on a branch, 13 tail feathers, and 13 stars over its head this signifies that when the white man came to this country, it was bad luck for the Indians, bad luck for the trees, bad luck for the wildlife, and lights out for the American eagle., Remember that your tracks are one strand of the web woven endlessly in the hand of god. The dancer is virtually inseparable from the dance. , There were bars that began to have acoustic musicians play, it was 1970: Joni Mitchell, Jackson Browne, America, The Eagles, all that kind of stuff was popular. I think the Jets came in with a legitimate offer. I'm bored out of my mind and my INTP co-worker mentioned speaking in code like "The eagle has landed" or "Code blue! Then I hit the eagle now I'm flyer than a eagle. that the eagle tries the eyes of her young by turning them to the sun; which if they cannot look steadily on, she rejects them as spurious. One time, my mom was making chicken in her Foreman grill, and she opened it up to take the chicken out when it was done. ). Couldnt say a word. Theyre a protected species, too. , Your choice of people to associate with, both personally and business-wise, is one of the most important choices you make. people react in different ways. We are all crew. It spreads its mighty wings and rises on the winds that bring the storm., The most amazing lesson in aerodynamics I ever had was the day I climbed a thermal in a glider at the same time as an eagle. Where the stars and stripes, and the eagle fly.. 100 matching entries found. 395 Depression Sayings about Mental, 180 Beautiful Quotes About Earth To Inspire You To Save Earth, Quotes On Drinking! He would have called you She Moves Trees out of His Path. She looked lost, but his da laughed. + Play Audio (1:53/1.2 Mb wav) "One Small Step": Armstrong: OK, I'm going to step off the LEM ]Lunar Module] now. But Id probably be a shaky-ass eagle because Im afraid of flying. , The mother eagle teachers her little ones to fly by making their nest so uncomfortable that they are forced to leave it and commit themselves to the unknown world of air outside. , Not half so swift the trembling doves can fly, When the fierce eagle cleaves the liquid sky; Not half so swiftly the fierce eagle moves, When thro the clouds he drives the trembling doves. , Were all turkeys! Whats wrong with that? Too stupid to fly, murmured his father with a little smile. , According to Festus, our flying table, Buford, made it back safely while we were in Charleston, so those eagles didnt get him. The time will soon be here when my grandchild will long for the cry of a loon, the flash of a salmon, the whisper of spruce needles, or the screech of an eagle. Needless to say, its been a very painful process., When the Eagle landed on the moon, I was speechlessoverwhelmed, like most of the world. Im not one of those artists whos going to sit here and deny the past. , We must especially beware of that small group of selfish men who would clip the wings of the American Eagle in order to feather their own nests. . In the dogma of the sun and the doctrine of the rock. Businesses who were the polluters were mad at me., As a child, I tried to play by the rules. Nicely phrased, replied the eagle door knocker, and the door swung open., I would like to deny all allegations by Bob Hope that during my last game of golf, I hit an eagle, a birdie, an elk and a moose. , September 11, 2001: Citizens of the U.S., besieged by terrors sting, rose up, weeping glory, as if on eagles wings.from the poem Angel of Remembrance: Candles for September 11, 2001. , The eagle has ceased to scream, but the parrots will now begin to chatter. Who hasnt dreamed they could fly? Well, I was nothing if not human. The Eagle Has Landed The Horse is In the Barn The Chicken flicks nose is in the pot Someone please get my reference e36 7 yr. ago "The pig is in the poke" that I got from an old Simpsons episode. 'Delta squad, roll out' My friends and i are weird. " And land in station H&M damn near every day. And the Eagles! 2.) Fate is not an eagle, it creeps like a rat. Whats happening has clipped our wings., And God says to all of us, you are no chicken; you are an eagle. , The very first thing the President [Truman] did was to show me the new Presidential Seal, which he had just redesigned. How can you represent the district if you dont even know it? You must know that the audience will always pull you down; resist it and fly at the heights like an eagle! used when the daughter looks like she's thinking about doing something she shouldn't) we mostly use code-phrases when using our Mission Control: Roger, Tranquility. A baby eagle or a giant crow? Dont be a pigeon if you were born to be an Congratulate me then that I have found a fitting scope for my powers., Man moves in all modes, by legs of horses, by wings of winds, by steam, by gas of balloon, by electricity, and stands on tiptoe threatening to hunt the eagle in his own element. , As a human being it is just my nature to enjoy and share philosophy. I have not possessed enough of the eagle in my character to make a direct flight to the loftiest altitudes in the social world; and I certainly never endeavored to reach those heights by using the creeping powers of the reptile, who in ascending, generally chooses the dirtiest path, because it is the easiest. , There are believers who by Gods grace, have climbed the mountains of full assurance and near communion, their place is with the eagle in his eyrie, high aloft; they are like the strong mountaineer, who has trodden the virgin snow, who has breathed the fresh, free air of the Alpine regions, and therefore his sinews are braced, and his limbs are vigorous; these are they who do great exploits, being mighty men, men of renown. , How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? Directed by John Sturges. Do you really want to deal with that on a weekly basis? The probe had served well, but there were some things only a living being could do properly, and assessing whether a lifeform should be contacted by the Planetary Commonwealth was one. Forget that bald eagle. I tracked my package, and it said that the eagle has landed. Like mighty eagle soaring light. And the way that I be swaggin' . (What To Do), Why Do I Feel like a Roommate in My Marriage? I can see why people find him [Hugo Chvez] charming. I am he that buries his friends alive and drowns them and draws them alive again from the water. Coach Hedge shot them out of the sky; Frank dropped him (that was no accident); and they crash-landed in Fort Sumter. Be innocent like a dove, strong like an ostrich, fierce like a hawk, wise like an owl, and swift like an eagle. And so I became identified with a role that wasn't really me. And we stand between the mountain and the ant, somewhere and there only, as part of the Creation., You are surprised that the world is losing its grip? Christ in you is the hope of glory. It is the eagle eye of faith which penetrates the grave, and sees far into the tranquil things of death. Houston, Tranquillity Base here. Oft of one wide expanse had I been told That deep-browd Homer ruled as his demesne, Yet did I never breathe its pure serene Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold: Then felt I like some watcher of the skies When a new planet swims into his ken; Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes He stared at the Pacific, and all his men Lookd at each other with a wild surmise, Silent, upon a peak in Darien., So it ends as I guessed it would, his thoughts said, even as it fluttered away; and it laughed a little within him ere it fled, almost gay it seemed to be casting off all doubt and care and fear. Thanks a lot. I defy you to find any American city where the Olympians are not prominently displayed, in multiple places. I used to work with someone who would use this saying and some other secret code-type phrases all the time, so I needed to come up with witty responses. Neil Armstrong, One curious thing about Apollo 11: while it was happening, no one knew for sure exactly where Eagle had actually landed! He said "I'll know exactly what you mean". Then we let go., Cultivate your own capabilities, your own style. And an eagle, a moose, an elk, an aardvark , We use pandas and eagles and things. No doubt Frank wouldve cursed some more -busting out the golly gees and the gosh darns- but Percy interrupted by doubling over and groaning. The eagle-eyed, argus-eyed world observes everything we do, and sharp critics are upon us. We often give our enemies the means of our own destruction. , A symbol is an important thing. Theyre tied to those of the mouse in the field, the eagle on the mountain, the crab in its hold, the lizard beneath its rock. The phrase was famously said by US astronaut Neil Armstrong when the Eagle Lunar Lander landed on the moon in 1969. And I cling to nothing, so I will have nothing to defend. , My brethren, let me say, be like Christ at all times. ( taglines) But wait! She was glorious, burning. There was Hitler, first ranting, then cajoling, then perfectly rational then raging and stamping like a - like the ringmaster of some freak circus! Their ways are not meant for the humble likes of us. Quotes tagged as "apollo-11" Showing 1-9 of 9. I'm just doin me and you can never understand it. It also got spoofed, used in memes, and at some point, it just became normal (for some people) to use it to describe any event happening without explicitly explaining it. Here are some of the best funny responses I was able to come up with and dig up from the depths of the net, as well as the interesting history behind The Eagle Has Landed. No, Pipes. We often give our enemies the means of our own destruction., Only if the dragon and the eagle turn their sights from each other and make room for each other in the world they share, can they reach new and brighter horizons. , So in the Libyan fable it is told/That once an eagle, stricken with a dart,/Said, when he saw the fashion of the shaft,/With our own feathers, not by others hands,/Are we now smitten. , I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen as the representative of our country; he is a bird of bad moral character; like those among men who live by sharping and robbing, he is generally poor, and often very lousy. , Whether it be the sweeping eagle in his flight, or the open apple-blossom, the toiling work-horse, the blithe swan, the branching oak, the winding stream at its base, the drifting clouds, over all the coursing sun, form ever follows function, and this is the law. There is no goodness, there is no justice and there is no intelligence in here. He built the oyster a house, his shell, to shelter and protect him from his enemies But when God made the Eagle, He declared, The blue sky is the limitbuild your own house! The Eagle, not the oyster, is the emblem of America., An Eagle Scout deserves a letter of congratulations, but not a proclamation Thats a normal process. We cannot soar over what is happening with philosophys eagle-wings. The Eagle has landed. The saying was first made popular when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon for the first time alongside Buzz Aldrin.
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