In order to make the passage appropriate for the intended audience, which sentence is most necessary for the writer to delete? Yes, because it provides commentary that helps explain why the details presented in sentence 6 are important to the point the writer is making in the paragraph. Which of the following best describes how the author represents "western American history, written by Euro-Americans" (paragraph 4, sentence 4) ? set readers expectations for how the work will be . The writer is considering deleting sentence 13 (reproduced below). E. Although orphan characters share a marginal social status, they may not be equally complex. Then answer the questions that follow. Which of the following changes to the underlined portion of sentence 16 (reproduced below) most effectively expresses the relationship between ideas in the sentence? Dwight D. Eisenhower signaled his support for lowering it. Some corporations, in their concern for their employees' health and fitness, provide gym rooms where we can commit strenuous exercise at lunchtime, but where are our beds? The rest of the sentences should be lined up on the . Read the first paragraph for understanding. 6. In the eighth paragraph, the author's statement that "My story is all too common" serves which of the following purposes? In this way, she establishes a point of comparison between the two cultures and uses it as the basis for developing her thesis about Americans' fear of napping. A. support the claim that her parents' absence affected her during her adolescence. Read the passage. A topic sentence is often the first sentence of a paragraph. Support the claim that her parents' absence affected her during adolescence. (2) The statue's placard attributes the poem to John Roulstone, who, according to popular lore, wrote it circa 1816 after witnessing a girl named Mary Sawyer bring her lamb to school. Answer: B - unity, order, coherence and completeness. Second 4. Which of the following best describes how the author represents "western American history, written by Euro-Americans" (paragraph 4, sentence 4) ? The sickness and death of the author's mother are pivotal to her creation. The writer wants to add a sentence after sentence 11 to conclude the passage with a quotation that effectively restates and reinforces the overall argument. Related: How To Write an Introduction in 4 Easy Steps (With Tips for an Effective Introduction) 4. Therefore, the contemporary circumstance that she refers to is an unfulfilled pledge by a political leader. . The main point is not stated . In order to strengthen her argument, the author references which of the following contemporary circumstances? E. delivered a moral message at the end of the poem about being kind to animals. You can have fantastic ideas, but if those ideas aren't presented . In the first paragraph the reader is introduced to Nawab, a father of twelve daughters who feels compelled to make more money to care for his family: "he must proliferate his sources of revenue" (lines 6-7). I really liketan + adjective + como = as _____ asExample: My favorite band is not as popular as my friend's favorite band. Each new paragraph begins with a new indentation. Apparently most of us agree. This leaves the rest of us lackeys bolt upright, toughing it out, trying to focus on the computer screen, from time to time snatching our chins up off our collarbones and glancing furtively around to see if we were noticed. (as it is now) In the introduction to her essay, the author recounts an anecdote that illustrates the French habit of napping, which "much of the civilized world" shares. A couple of recent presidents famous for their all-night energies kept up the pace by means of naps. . In the 6th grade, 80 words are required. Should the writer keep or delete this sentence? . ), Which of the following best describes the function of the first paragraph? According to Sun and Vazire, these results suggest that "there might be some biases that prevent people from recognizing their own agreeable behaviors or disagreeable behaviors.". Some examples of topic sentences for this age group include: When we had a snow day, I made snow angels, drank hot cocoa, and went sledding. C. successfully petitioned for Thanksgiving to be a national holiday Should the writer make this addition? For the self-controlled, it's frighteninghow far down am I falling? . Headings clarify your logic and organization for the reader by establishing a hierarchy of sections in the paper. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. The potential benefits of monitoring sleep patterns using a fitness tracker, however, outweigh the negatives. They may have a point there. Which of the following statements best summarizes the main claim about Crazy Horse's cultural legacy that is developed in the passage? , Look at each paragraph. Estanto(-a, -os, -as) + sustantivo(s) + como = tanto/muchos _____ comoEjemplo: El solista gan tantos premios como el grupo musical. The passage is most likely excerpted from which of the following? tan + adjective + como = as _____ as Participants often reported feeling more neuroticanxious or worriedthan the observers believed. In the first sentence of the sixth paragraph, the author describes her "rocky existence" during high school in order to. (paragraph 4, sentence 2) answer choices. B. The author situates her text within a particular political context by making the following statement about a political leader: "President Obama has promised to act on providing deportation relief for families across the country, and I would urge him to do so quickly." Describe vividly all scenarios and actions of the characters such that a reader is able to visualize them. And waited. I realize the issues are complicated. You must be shameless and your first sentence must be irresistible. . a conjugated verb, To do this assignment, you need to read about 6 special foods in Latin America (tamales, empanada, asado, platanos fritos, yerba mate, ceviche and tac Keep it, because it offers a contrasting position that helps rebut the counterargument presented in the third paragraph. Disapproval of the Army's dehumanizing treatment of the Lakota, In the last sentence of the fourth paragraph, the author's focus shifts from, Euro-American history to Lakota cultural memory. Sun observed that this is understandable, since subjective feelings of unease are not necessarily apparent to others. Clauses beginning with "who" are used repeatedly to emphasize engaging images of the men under discussion. Support the claim that her parents' absence affected . Should the writer make this addition after sentence 13 ? D. never knew of Roulstone until Sawyer claimed he was the author of the poem It then examines the differences between the two to make the point that Hale had more experience in writing and publishing than Roulstone did. Sixth 2. In the third and fourth paragraphs, the author discusses a case in order to. Paraphrases. answer choices . This chapter has already discussed its purposeto express a main idea combined with the writer's attitude about the subject. Step 6 - Wind up your essay. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Which of the following sentences best accomplishes this goal? , Look at the reading to make predictions of the topic. In the sixth paragraph, the author uses the story of the name His Horse Stands in Sight to illustrate which of the following? At 7th grade, students must write 100 words, and at 8th grade it is 125 words. The author recounts her family's story to illustrate a variety of ways in which deportation negatively affects not only those who are directly affected by deportation but also society as a whole, which must deal with the costs and consequences of children being separated from their family. A. improving the immigration system would benefit the entire country In sentence 15 (reproduced below), which version of the underlined text produces a logical comparison between Hale and Roulstone in the controversy surrounding "Mary Had a Little Lamb"? Throughout my childhood I watched my parents try to become legal but to no avail. As University of Glasgow lecturer Gavin Miller argues, "Science fiction does not invite us to be prophets, but anthropologists making sense of a complex and troubling foreign culturewhich we may eventually come to recognize as our own. C. illustrate her point that existing immigration policy is broken (B) illustrate the limits of scientific claims. Action without discretion can incur disastrous results. S 1: Smoke oozed up between the planks. This paragraph is from Joanna's history paper. Third --> Skim through the first paragraph, and look for the gist. The statement thus provides commentary on the narrative elements earlier in the passage, presenting the author's personal story as evidence for her claim that deportation policies need reform. The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, As represented by the rhetoircal triangle, the appeal most commonly associated with the speaker is, As represented by the rhetorical triangle, the appeal most commonly associated with the audience is, As represented by the rhetorical triangle, the appeal most commonly associated with the message is, A brief story used to help make a point is, An indirect reference to something (Usually a literary text, although it can be other things such as plays, songs, historical events, ect.) I came home from school to an empty house. Skim through the first paragraph, and look for the gist. directly quote the words of others. The writer wants to avoid revealing any potential biases in sentence 5 (reproduced below). I don't believe it reflects our values as a country to separate children and parents in this way. Children who grow up separated from their families often end up in foster care, or worse, in the juvenile justice system despite having parents who love them and would like to be able to care for them. In the second paragraph, the sentences "Throughout my childhood . With a key sentence established, the next task is to shape the body of your paragraph to be both cohesive and coherent. Once the above is done, the first paragraph is read, in order to confirm or deny the previously imagined ideas, then the first sentence of each paragraph is read to have a global context of each one and finally the entire passage is read. Often, topic sentences establish a paragraph's . In his description of the United States Army's plan "to capture and herd all the Lakota onto reservations once and for all" toward the end of the fourth paragraph, the author's tone conveys which of the following? A book report is meant to discuss the contents of the book at hand, and your introductory paragraph should give a little overview. Write your first sentence. Henry clearly has a routine down. Which version of the underlined portion of sentence 1 best accomplishes this goal? After the statement "My story was all too common," the author shifts from her personal story to a broader claim that "Every day, children who are U.S. citizens are separated from their families as a result of immigration policies that need fixing." The data these devices provide are not as accurate as the data that come from a sleep lab. My parents came here from Colombia during a time of great instability there. Which of the following choices best accomplishes this goal? Is rap t . 1. Elementary students often write simple topic sentences that focus solely on the main idea of the paragraph. The writer is considering adding the following sentence after sentence 13. . Learning to write good paragraphs will help you as a writer stay on track during your drafting and revision stages. In a well-constructed first paragraph, that first sentence leads into three or four sentences that provide details about the subject you address in the body of your essay. Further information about the idea . American employers do not see the afternoon forty winks as refreshing the creative wellsprings of mere employees. The writer is considering deleting the phrase "which many critics consider the first science fiction novel," in sentence 5 (reproduced below). Eppie was a creature of endless claims and ever-growing desires, seeking and loving sunshine, and living sounds, and living movements; making trial of everything, with trust in new joy, and stirring the human kindness in all eyes that looked on her." The first sentence of every new paragraph. Professionals refer to the first sentence of a paragraph as a topic sentence. Should the writer add this sentence? Which of the following is the most logical place to insert this sentence in the paragraph? Example: I listen to K-pop music more frequently than Reggaeton music. Fourth 6. The latest findings in social psychology suggest that self-knowledge is a more complex phenomenon than you might think. It shows that the author was luckier than most adolescents in her situation. Therefore, the author mentions a "rocky existence" to provide evidence that supports the claim that her parents' absence affected her during her adolescence. B. the complicated nature of the immigration system makes immigrants vulnerable to scams In fact, the CDC considers lack of sleep a public health infection. ". actually are") in the speaker's line of reasoning is to, distinguish different types and degrees of uselessness, "the men who quell the storm and ride the thunder" (paragraph 2, sentence 7). Fourth 6. . E. "[T]he process of falling asleep in the afternoon is quite different from bedtime sleep." C. both Documents BBB and CCC Today, she is serving time in jail, living the reality that I act out on screen. Tom distrusts . Traditionally, the voting age in most states was 21, though in the 1950s Pres. Lights were on and dinner had been started, but my family wasn't there. For example, in your opinion is rock music better than classical music? Like other forms of writing, paragraphs follow a standard three-part structure with a beginning, middle, and end. energy consumption data shown in Document AAA ? The writer wants to add a new sentence at the end of the third paragraph (sentences 8-12) to show how the information in the paragraph serves as evidence for the passage's primary claim. . Read the first sentence of each paragraph. never helped" primarily serve to appeal to the audience's Which of the following sentences, if placed before sentence 1, would best introduce the topic to the audience and help set up the main argument of the passage? In the first sentence of the sixth paragraph, the author describes her rocky existence during high school in order to the claim that her parents' absence affected her during her adolescence.. (paragraph 3) Which of the following statements best summarizes the main claim about Crazy Horse's cultural legacy that is developed in the passage? The impact of government policies on undocumented immigrant families . Instead, it reflects the concerns of Shelley and her contemporaries about the consequences of unchecked technological development in the Industrial Revolution, such as pollution and the loss of traditional ways of life. I consider myself lucky because things turned out better for me than for most, including some of my own family members. The writer wants to add the following sentence to the third paragraph. You should clearly formulate what your post is about in the . E. balance a discussion of her high school triumphs with an acknowledgement of her challenges. Which of the following is the most logical place to insert this sentence in the paragraph? D. suggest that her high school was not sufficiently supportive of students in her situation . Question 7. Those who believe that science fiction predicts the future are simply wrongheaded. actually are") in the speaker's line of reasoning is to, distinguish different types and degrees of uselessness, "the men who quell the storm and ride the thunder" (paragraph 2, sentence 7). ms/menos + adverb + que = more/less _____ than Read the first sentence only of each paragraph after the first, until you get to the start of the next section. Which version of the underlined portion of sentence 1 best accomplishes this goal? The writer wants to support the line of reasoning in the fifth paragraph (sentences 13-16) with a comment that reflects the complexity of the historical narrative in the passage's earlier paragraphs. Make sure to read that article if you have trouble setting up the structure for a text. A. Which of the following best describes the author's exigence in the passage? The most exciting isYou will be graded on (a) message delivery/comprehension, (b) control of target grammar structures, (c) pronunciation, (d) control of target vocabulary, and (e) task completion per the World Languages Speaking Rubric.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Compara diferentes tipos de msica usando comparativos y superlativos. In recounting her family's experience, the author repeatedly connects the problems they faced to aspects of the existing immigration system. [1] by Anne Breitenbach. A. praise the widespread custom of European napping details, continuity and information. Follow the model. the best kind of music? The writer wants to illustrate the point made in sentence 2 (reproduced below) by adding historical evidence to the end of the sentence, adjusting the punctuation as needed. Look at the reading to make predictions of the topic. It must induce curiosity and promise the answer to an urgent question. Point out paragraph indentions in text books or stories to reinforce this lesson! Qu tipo de msica es la peor? Complete the following survey about your preferences in clothes and colors. That meant my childhood was haunted by the fear that they would be deported. Which of the following versions of the underlined portion of sentence 1 best accomplishes this goal? Sun and Vazire conspired on an experiment to study the latter category. Por ejemplo, en tu opinin, es mejor la msica rock que la msica clsica? Those who believe that science fiction predicts the future are simply wrongheaded. Solved Question for You on Paragraph Writing. France lunched, and then slept. The latest findings in social psychology suggest that self-knowledge is a more complex phenomenon than you might think. In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818), which many critics consider the first science fiction novel, the scientist Victor Frankenstein creates a new form of human life, only to find his creation hideous and regret his actions. E. The author's desire to acknowledge her parents' efforts to support her despite their immigration status. Each dash stands for one missing letter. Second 4. It can be in the form of an invitation. It engages the audience's sympathies by suggesting parallels between Rowling and her . indifference and contempt. E. illustrate the negative effects of family fragmentation on children Sun and Vazire conspired on an experiment to study the latter category. When Ms. Rowling was 15, her mother was diagnosed with degenerative multiple sclerosis; she died, age 45, in December 1990. Even in America, rumor has it, the costly CEOs of giant corporations work sequestered in private suites, guarded by watchpersons, mainly so they can curl up unseen to sharpen their predatory powers with a quick snooze. First --> Look at the reading to make predictions of the topic. Fifth 5. In his description of the United States Army's plan "to capture and herd all the Lakota onto reservations once and for all" toward the end of the fourth paragraph, the author's tone conveys which of the following? The impact of government policies on undocumented immigrant families. A. sense of compassion: these lines show that undocumented immigrants are overwhelmed by having to appear before judges without legal representation The author introduces her essay by relating an anecdote from her vacation in France (paragraphs 1 and 2) primarily to A. claim that her family's experiences run counter to shared national ideals It's blacker, thicker, more intense, and works faster. E. It concedes that the author's opinions about deportation were shaped by her own experiences. Which of the following does the author represent as an effect of "congregat[ing] in places of high environmental risk" (paragraph 3, sentence 8) ? Which observation best counters the speaker's argument about action in the passage? Which of the following is the most logical place to insert this sentence in the paragraph? There are also sentence requirements. . Match the following items. . Stories by his contemporaries offer a credible record of Crazy Horse's life. The writer wants to start the third paragraph (sentences 10-14) with a sentence that captures what the different claims and evidence in the paragraph are meant to show . Remember not to introduce the culmination right from the start. Look at the reading to make predictions of the topic. Record for at least 30 seconds and choose a minimum of 3 structures below to create your own sentences. D. It asserts the relevance of her personal experience within a wider political debate. Disapproval of the Army's dehumanizing treatment of the Lakota, In the last sentence of the fourth paragraph, the author's focus shifts from, Euro-American history to Lakota cultural memory. Legislation that has recently been passed by Congress If the researchers' conclusions are correct, careful attention to your behavior is an important tool for ensuring smooth interactions with others. Which of the following best describes the author's exigence in the passage? If the researchers' conclusions are correct, careful attention to your behavior is an important tool for ensuring smooth interactions with others. , os). MODELO: Prefieres las botas negras o las botas marrones? When the author repeats the phrase "our values," she is arguing that her family's experience of enforced separation does not reflect "our values as a country"; nor is it reflective of United States values to "hold people in detention without access to good legal representation." The information about the 6 foods are in the assignments before this one, here in Edgenu,, Read the first sentence of each paragraph. Which of the following characteristics does the author anticipate may be true of some members of the audience? Clauses beginning with "who" are used repeatedly to emphasize engaging images of the men under discussion. Granted, fitness trackers are not perfect tools. Updated on July 25, 2019. The sixth paragraph contributes to the reasoning of the author's argument primarily by, (D) emphasizing the sacrifices the author's parents made for her, In the third and fourth paragraphs, the author discusses a case in order to, (B) illustrate the limits of scientific claims, The opening sentence of the second paragraph primarily serves to, (D) make an assertion that is then supported with argumentation, In context, the fifth paragraph ("Its appeal is inscrutable.") serves as a transitional element that, (C) anticipates an objection to the quality of the sandwich, In the context of the passage as a whole, the first sentence of the third paragraph ("Yet can do") marks the transition between, (D) an explanation of a viewpoint and a rebuttal of that viewpoint, In the second sentence of the second paragraph, the repetition of the word "things" primarily serves to, (E) strengthen an assertion by broadening its implications, Unit 6: Claims and Evidence - Reading Quiz, Unit 5: Reasoning and Organization - Writing, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. A. express regret for the author's failure to support her family Our stocks will fall; our employees will mutiny and seize the helm; our clients will tiptoe away to competitors. nick peters taco bell, ap bio unit 2 mcq quizlet,