If He hadnt, they would not have been able to carry it anywhere. David knew the importance of the blood sacrifice since he was young (Lev. He could not just go shop for an ark, he had to build it. Yep! He died instantly. In either cases, this implies that Obed Edom mentioned in 1 Chronicles 15 onward is definitely not the same person. Oh yeah. This is a picture of having communion, in remembrance of the Lords death, every Sunday. Faith, Obedience, Christian Influence, Post Reply Robin's Nest: Learning Lessons from Jairus - Blogger Because of the blood on the mercy seat, all of Israel could expect blessings on their households and victory over their enemies to go on for another year. The Reason for Fear (10a) So David would not remove the ark of the LORD unto him into the city of David. , 12b So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-Edom to the City of David with gladness.13 And so it was, when those bearing the ark of the Lord had gone six paces, that he sacrificed oxen and fatted sheep.14 Then David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was wearing a linen ephod.15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet.. King, Daniel. A burnt offering EVERY SIX PACES! Our means of approach is by and through the Son, Jesus Christ our Savior. He took it to Obed-edom the Gittite's house. And that ignored the mention that Obed Edom was a Levite in the 1 Chronicles 15 narrative. I believe worship and prayer were constant in Obed-Edom's home. I say Captured in quotation marks because it cannot just be Captured. No one takes God by surprise or captures Him. Originally, I took in what the preacher said. The Ark was never meant to be touched or carried with bare hands that is why poles had to be crossed through and the priests would carry it on their shoulders. They also played with lots of excitement and energy, but the Holy Spirit has specifically mentioned that they played with All their might. VERY significant. Plus, what I have learned from him and others has so completely transformed and blessed me I figured it would bless others too. As a result, they were struck dead (1 Sam. There is information about her in both. Soon after, the Philistines woke up early the next morning to find Dagon on his face with his head and hands cut off and only the stump (I Samuel 5:4) remaining. Obed Edom was a Gentile. When you consider the very steep and rocky terrain the oxen had to negotiate, you can see why they had a huge problem. 6:2 )After the death of Uzzah, the ark, which was being conducted from the house of Abinadab in Gibeah to the city of David, was carried aside into the house of Obed edom, where . Here, Obed Edoms name appeared 7 times. Thats a whole lot of sacrifices and shedding of blood! It really depends on which view one takes with regard to the word Giddite. This will influence how we understand the name from the data points. They were rejoicing, happy and praising God. The Lesson of Uzza "And David and all Israel played before God with all their might, and with singing, and with harps, and with psalteries, and with timbrels, and with cymbals, and with trumpets." 1 Chron. I can obey your law on my own. That is essence of self-righteousness. 2. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me (1 Cor. So, they helped their god back up onto his place {snicker}. That may have bee a typo. But it was not by thier might; it was in response to a revelation of Jesus! Is it this church is your affiliate church ? Hes a GENTILE. During the first Passover, God instructed the Israelites to apply the lambs blood on their lintel and doorposts. Theyre ignorantGentiles, for heavens sake, which is why God allowed them to get away with doing it in the first place. emmausroadministries, No One Is Forgiven Little emmausroadministries, https://emmausroadministries.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/ephraim-and-the-house-of-judah-part-8-of-9/. The account in 1 Chronicles is much more detailed. When a death sentence was pronounced on him, it did not stop him from doing what was right. I am on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/sdeschaine1. Your email address will not be published. David as a young boy, probably about 17 years old, had heardthat the Ark of the Lord was in Kirjath Jearim at the house of Abinadab. Oh dear! Difficult. As you supply them with grace-filled, Jesus-centered words, believe that God will transform your children and cause them to want to do the right thing. Thanks so much!! What difference are you making this year? Read the entire lesson text. He also prepared a place for the Ark. 4:22)! Who was Obed in the Bible? | GotQuestions.org We are justified and sanctified by His blood alone (Rom. TWELVE MILES! If someone was sick or had any need at all, they broke bread. So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-edom to the city of David with rejoicing; and when those who bore the ark of the Lord had gone six paces, he sacrificed an ox and a fatling. By all the means you can, God will never be used as a superstitious good luck charm to overcompensate for the evil lives of those who attempt such a folly. The way God wants us to experience this special theme for the year is by living one day at a time, being present, and living in the now for now is the time of Gods favor (2 Cor. From this, I made several observations. God only wants the best for all people. 2 /5. Jesus gets ALL the glory! King David wholeheartedly desired to bring the Ark of God back to where it belonged, a desire that pleased God very much. Find the secret of receiving God's abundant blessings in your family as you learn about the life of this lesser-known Bible character! This is so good. The Church of Christ,15 Grey Street, Warri, Delta State, Nigeria. Not knowing the proper order of how to transport the ark, they put the ark on a cart driven by two milk cows (in this way, the Philistines tested the ark: if the milk cows headed to the nearest Israeli city, Beth Shemesh, instead of following their natural instinct to stay with their calves, then the Philistines would know that it was the ark that brought about their destruction). Apparently David was either unaware of Gods command or felt as if he could get by moving it as he pleased. The Obed-edom we are looking at ("Obed-edom the Gittite") is referred to in 2 Samuel 6:10, 11 (twice), 2 Samuel 6:12 (twice); 1 Chronicles . I used to be too until I learned to see from Gods point of view. B. OBED-EDOM - JewishEncyclopedia.com . So they did in Shiloh to all the Israelites who came there. Our Father doesnt want that for us. Or get access to this sermon and over a thousand more more when you subscribe, Get access to this sermon and over thousands, Or unlock access to this sermon and hundreds, JP App Moderate. Well David, upon hearing all this, came back to the house of Obed Edom for the Ark, this time with a whole new attitude! I always felt bad for poor Uzzah. This is so powerful I exploded in tears after reading it and I also had that question why was Obed blessed and abinadab wasnt. When Pastor Prince first studied the life of Obed-Edom in 2003, he found that Josephus, a Jewish historian who lived during the time of Jesus, described the blessings of Obed-Edom like this: When Obed-Edom first brought the ark into his house, he was a poor man. Shortly after, she received news that her apartment was rented out even without the tenant coming to view the place in person. Teachable Lessons: Obed-Edom accepted responsibility for the ark even though there was visible, deadly fear about it as demonstrated by the citizen-in-chief, King David. First Chronicles 26:4-6 lists them and their own sons, along with their father, as gatekeepers in God's temple. Over Edom happened to live along the road to Jerusalem. However, over the years, I began to study the name more closely. As we consider the passage before us, it is important to remember that the ark of God represented His power and presence to the nation of Israel. These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness Revelation 3:14 NKJV. This is such a beautiful picture of The Grace of Jesus and The Power of His blood. As he was unable to successfully do so, he had to place the ark in Obed Edoms house. Just like the Ark in our story, He also cannot be captured. He let them take Him away to be tried, (railroaded?), sentenced, and crucified. 1:20)! 2 Sam.6:9 And David was afraid of the LORD that day, and said, How shall the ark of the LORD come to me? Church, youd better know with absolute certainty thatRighteousness is a gift you receive,not an action you perform. What lessons can you learn from his life? (=adorateur d'dom). His gracw is BEYOND AMAZING! LESSONS FROM OBED-EDOM - YouTube Obed Edom.David was both angry at God and terrified at the the same time. They were sadly mistaken. I. Jesus defined the fear of the Lord in Deuteronomy 6:13 as worship (Matt. Your email address will not be published. 10:27). Wow! He wasnt murdered. I figured if people, whatever reason, were not open to hearing him, maybe they would hear the truth from someone else. Sadly, they were struck down for their mistake. But, Jesus is the center, you say. Open your hearts. Obed-Edom - Wikipedia The Ark demonstrates that Jesus is 100% Man (wood) and 100% God (gold.). Were going to have to take a not-so-little trip back in time a few years of Israels history, all the way back to when the Prophet Samuel was a little boy, to find the answers to our questions. he sacrificed oxen and fatted sheep For the first time in the journey of bringing the ark to Jerusalem, David sacrificed oxen and sheep. Ark of covenant can be understood as the place where God's presence dwells, from where God speaks to HIS people. God, as you know,loves to hide truths in the meanings of the names of people, places, even things in the Hebrew language and letters throughout the Bible. Gospel Partner | The Secret Of Obed-Edom's Blessings These men did great evil in the eyes of the Lord. Your email address will not be published. Obed-Edom was not sin-conscious, but Jesus-conscious. It remained there three months, during which the family of Obed-edom so signally prospered that the king was encouraged to resume his first intention, which he then happily carried . But we do know that God obviously blessed him. God bless you.. The Bible did not offer us enough data points for such conclusion. You know, basically an ignorant nobody! May your family life be such a testimony that leads others back to the Lord and His grace. Josephus also mentioned that Obed-Edom was so blessed that his neighbors envied him. (1) The Gittite to whose house the *Ark of the Lord was transferred after the death of Uzzah ( II Sam. Without Jesus shed blood, there is no remission of sins (Heb. 19:8). OBED EDOM - Biblia Reina Valera 1960 The name Obed means "serving" or "worshiping," and there are several men listed in the Bible named Obed. However, Gods Word promises us that we shall experience the oppositeas our days progress, we shall have increased strength. There are also three other Obed-Edoms, one of them a porter at the house of God (a temporary setup during David's time). Try, Slow Down, Big Fellawhat A Motorcyclist Taught Me About Preaching, Spit-Shine Tomorrow's Sermon Before You Go To Bed Tonight. Obed Edom & The Ark : Rev Emmanuel Angelo - YouTube You get turned on, fired up engaged people so in love with Jesus that no one will have to tell them to go talk to others about Jesus: THEY WONT BE ABLE TO SHUT UP! He was so afraid he decided he wasnt going to proceed any further. He is contrasting law and grace. Many Christians today are of the opinion that having more praise and worship is the key to revival. as you know, He was struck dead. 1043. Once the ark was returned, it was kept at the house of Abinadab in Gibeah. My personal mission is to lead adult Christ disciples to engage the world with sound and biblical reasoning. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation.. They are representative of God Looking down on the Mercy Seat. A Korhite Levite. On Davidsfirst attempt,he put the Ark on a new oxcart. Reports, News & AND THE LORD BLESSED OBED EDOM AND ALL HIS HOUSEHOLD., Obed Edom was a Gittite. Voir les versets relatifs. Obed-Edom wasnt just any man; he was the man who made the difference. The battle in which the Ark was Captured by the Philistines, took place during the time that a man named, Eli, was high priest over Israel. You are king-priests! So they sent word to the men of Kirjath Jearim, begging them to takethe Arkoff their hands. You saw how they fell before Him when He said, I Am He. Well, notice the word,He,is initalicsbecause it isnt in the original text but was added by translators to make the text flow better. No, Noah was responsible to BUILD the ark. Now it was told King David, saying, The LORD has blessed the house of Obed-Edom and all that belongs to him, because of the ark of God. So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-Edom to the City of David with gladness. 2 Samuel 6:12 NKJV. Thank you. The Ark remained in Obed-Edom's house for three months and for three months the Lord blessed Obed-Edom, his family, and all that pertained to him (2 Samuel 6:11, 1 Chronicles 13:14).He experienced a season of EXPONENTIAL GROWTH, everything he touched multiplied. These are notes on the sermon, Head denotes intelligence and hands depict strength in biblical typology. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. So blessed to read it. Its the exact reason I started writing because I wanted to bless the Church with the real Jesus and seeing Him through all the scriptures concerning Himself. 5. 26:1-4) (vase apartada (a) de este mismo artculo y cfr. How can I connect with you and learn more about Grace ? I have written many posts on Mark 5:25-34 . When Uzzah died while transporting the ark, David didnt ask God what went wrong. our marriage, parenting, career, ministry, etc.). Whether you are hoping for a turnaround in your marriage, restoration in the lives of your children, or provision for your household, allow the Lord to supply you with all you need as you simply practice these two things: We hope these sermon notes blessed you! "And the ark of God remained with the household of Obed-edom in his house three months. Why was he bringing it back and why was is not there where it belonged? Many of the same kinds of things that transpired 3 months priorlike lots of praise and worshipwere again present. Hear me now: There are NO ERRORS in the Bible. Learning Lessons from Jairus. The Holy Spirit is drawing pictures for us in this story. Do an exploratory on Rahab Too when you get time. The law was given to show us that the law is holy, but it cannot make you holy. The word Giddite seems to indicate that Obed Edom is an inhabitant of Gath, a Philistine city. The ark had been in Gibeah for over sixty years, and Saul had not sought or inquired of the Lord at the ark during all of his reign. Amen The word Amen in this verse is referring to the person of Jesus Himself. The Secret Of Obed Edom. - Emmaus Road Ministries The Chronicler naturally desired to think that only Levites could discharge such duties as Obed-edom performed, and hence, the references to him as a Levite. 132:6), while King Saul who was in authority at that time had no interest in the ark at all. . He was not only face down in front of the Ark, his head and hands were severed from the rest of his body. CONOCE EL SECRETO DE OBED-EDOM PARA SER BENDECIDO - Blogger David and many of his people were in a celebratory mood, everything seemed to be joyous until they came to Nachons threshing floor and the oxen jolted and shook the cart. ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA. In other words, he and . . David was terrified and left the Ark in the house of a man called Obed-Edom. It depicts the Lords death. 14 The ark of God remained with the family of Obed-Edom in his house three months. This entire story is also a depiction of when the temple soldiers came to arrest Jesus in the garden. This year, may these family blessings manifest so evidently in your familys lives that people will talk about it. If Obed Edom was really a Philistine living in Gath, this would make the episode in 2 Sam 6:10-12 incredible. Obed-edom Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY - JW.ORG (*For more on thesapphire tablets,you may follow the link below: Remember when Jesus said, My yoke is easy and My burden is light?This story perfectly illustrates that verse. Obed-Edom was a man lifted by affliction. Notice that everywhere Jesus went, sinners who touched Jesus were miraculously healed. Now, lets look at the typologies in this story. Pronunciation of Obed-Edom with 4 audio pronunciations. He acknowledged God's presence and he was blessed. News flash: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BALANCE. Scripture: 2 Samuel 6:10-12 Denomination: Baptist Summary: Obedience and faith are essential to our Christian lives and witness before others. Wherever it was sent, the people were stricken with tumors and plagued with rats. The word for Ox, is Aleph. Aleph () is also the number 1, in Hebrew. 132:14), and spoke of His love for that place (Ps. No, NEVER. . which brings stress and pressure, say things like, I believe you will do well for this exam. Gentile believers (non-Jewish believers) are a fulfillment of Amos 9:11. Qu significa Obed Edom Geteo en la Biblia? Everything good is based on the centrality of Christ. Fortunately for them, it was short-lived. Hello you really try, well done, but there is confusion on obed edom that u mentioned is gentiles because one of the account said from gatite,but what of the one that Bible call a gatekeeper, musician, and his son was also dookeeper, can you simply find the main truth about them very well, because ordinary person can not stand in the front of ark of God. xiii. endobj {Kirjath Jearim}. Thank you for the great article. But He chose to record it for us to drive home a very important point. 6:19). Experts estimate that the total weight of the Ark was about 565 lbs! He did not come to give us laws, laws and more laws. 8. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6) - JesusWalk 4. Thank you. He had a greater revelation and appreciation of His blood! The difference between life and death, the difference between blessings and curses, is the blood shed to cover sins. It just means that instead of using words of demand on them, we can correct our children with words that bring supply. . And the Lord blessed the house of Obed-Edom and all that he had. 3. The blessings that we seek this year may come in different packages, but the most important lesson of all is that, these blessings will come only when we are deep in the presence of God. He was probably a Levite who lived nearby. Its not any of our good works, good character, or good family names that save or protect us. We find that David refused to go any further with the ark at this time. This is why Christians within congregations where their pastors are trying to balance GRACE with law, (the righteousness by works model), fall sick and/or die before their time. Durante este perodo, su casa fue muy bendecida por Dios ( 2 Samuel 6:1-11 ). %PDF-1.5 The population wasnt anywhere near that number of people. Who was Obed-Edom? They could tell by all hisMATERIAL BLESSINGS.Cant see blessings that are only spiritual, can you? 25. Join me as we look at the Old Testament Biblical story of Obed-edom and glean insights from his life to equip the stander.----- STANDING SUPERNATURALLY -----. Its Jesus' blood alone that justifies, heals, protects, and sanctifies us. When David became king, he went to bring the ark from Kirjath Jearim to Jerusalem (Mount Zion), which he had desired to do for many years. Im so blessed with this great message. He must have felt too personal or too common about it, that he forgot Gods commandments concerning it. We are sons and daughters who have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but have received the Spirit of sonship through Jesus (Rom. Obed-edom: "Delighted in God" (6:10-11). Obed-Edom was a Gittite, a Philistine (Josh. We too, can be blessed like Obed-Edom. He begins to research in the Torah about how the ark is supposed to be transported, and discovers: The effect of Gods grace is amazing because well see results we never thought possible. Whatever sin he had, he knew that the blood would take care of it, and thats how the blessings of God came upon him and his family. The lower part was made of incorruptible Shittim wood, overlaid inside and out with the purest gold. When a death sentence was pronounced on him, it did not stop him from doing what was right. He made the link that this was due to him experienced the presence of God through the ark when the Ark of Covenant was placed in his home. The first attempt wasn't done properly, and resulted in the death of Uzza. How can I connect you and learning more about Grace? 11 And the sons of Eliphaz were Teman, Omar, Zepho, and Gatam, and Kenaz. "red")= "one who causes to blush." He made David blush for shame because the latter was at first afraid to receive the Ark, whereas Obededom took it into his house without hesitation (Num. I know how you feel because I felt the same way when I learned these things. Required fields are marked *. In the morning, where was their god? FACE DOWN IN FRONT OF THE ARK! God's Timing is Not Our Timing Jesus was on his way to heal Jairus' daughter, but he takes time to talk to the woman who touches his robe. The Secret of Obed-edom: An Ancient Story With Hidden Truth for Your Spiritual Journey. Obed-Edom - Studi Kamus - Alkitab SABDA I have been reading on the story of Ruth and what a beautiful story of our Lord Jesus. What is impossible with man is possible with God (Luke 18:27). 10:10)! And the LORD blessed Obed-Edom and all his household.2 Samuel 6:11 NKJV. Suscrbete a mi canal aqu: https://www.youtube.com/c/AbrahamP%C3%A9rezOficialTus comentarios son importantes, as que tmate un segundo y escribe "Yo cre. David was both angry at God yet terrified at the the same time. Friend, you do not need to use your own effort or willpower to see things change in your family life. DAVID . God spoke to me about this and as I researched and saw this I knew the answer. You're already in our mailing list. Sunday: 9AM - 12:30PMSunday Evening: 5PM - 6PM As a servant of the blood, Obed-Edom likely offered the blood of the sacrifice, and thats why he stood in the place of a righteous man. The answer to the question is that Obed-Edom was courageous and willing to take the ark of the covenant to his home even after seeing the gruesome killing of Uzzah because, after this incident, everyone was terrified and unsure of whom they were supposed to give it to. 21). It caused them nothing but grief! Check well. Before Uzzah died, there was no lack of praise and worship. The very next verse says, 12a Now it was told King David, saying,The Lord has blessed the house of Obed-Edom and all that belongs to him, because of the ark of God.. We are one of many autonomous congregations of the Lords church who believe it is possible to have first century New Testament Christianity today. , The opening scripture is one of the most puzzling passages in the entire Bible for more than just a few, my self included. Events, About I am happy you are blessed and now understand what God wanted us to know. When the ark brought great destruction to many Philistine cities when it was passed around, the Philistines decided to send it back to Israel. 46:1). There is great benefit in following the Lord, and as we do, we have the potential to make an impact on the lives of others. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. This is where the oxen stumbled and Uzzah made hisfatal mistake, reaching out his hand to steady the Ark. Dag, in Hebrew, actually means, Fish. Their second mistake was to take the Ark into their gods temple ins Ashdod. I receive Him. However, praise out of a heart that is resting and rejoicing in the finished work of Jesus is the key. What a great teaching. Even those who look like they are keeping the law definitely have private struggles in their lives. Lets just say things didnt exactly go well. I want to tell you a fascinating story. The theme of the year video is played on screen. In my past two posts, I have demonstrated how we can do word studies in the New Testament. 26:8). Pastor Prince prays for people with these conditions/areas: Pastor Prince closes the service by emphasizing that God is repairing, restoring, recovering, and rebuilding all the breaches, especially in the area of family life. This demonstrates that David this time around had a greater revelation and appreciation of the blood of Jesus. The ark of God remained with the family of Obed-Edom in his house three months. God has the right to take life, but He also has the power and loving desire to give life eternally. Thus, Obed . Peter, whom God had used to preach to the Gentiles, stood up and said: Now therefore, why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? Acts 15:10 NKJV. Our sins covered by the blood. He's that guy who lived along the route that David traveled when he was bringing the Ark back to Jerusalem from the house of a priest named, Abinadab. From what I recalled from the sermon, there was little mention of a critical factor. You see, their god, Dagon, was a fish god; basically, a merman. The more we try to keep the law, the more our sinful nature is aroused. Very telling. Amen. Further mentions of Obed Edom occurred in 1 Chronicles 26:4 and 1 Chronicles 26:8. It is the story of a man named Obed-Edom. (For God had blessed Obed-Edom. ) God was pleased and He blessed Obed-Edom. From the Philistines, of course! The answer to that question changes everything! In all the places you can, There is further proof of that in the article that follows about Ephraim and the House of Judah. Secondly, due to his lineage, he was probably appointed more because it was his duty to do so. Can you imagine? It explained and confirmed a lot of things in my Spirit. What sacrifice are you willing to pay for the cause of Christ, the church, or the brethren? He put forth his hand to steady the ark, and God smote Uzzah, and he died. I am blessed and humbled that you are so blessed! 1 Cr. HALLELUJAH! 70 years. And the LORD blessed the house of Obed-Edom and all that he had. Now that doesnt seem fair, does it? Grace is higher than the law, for the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ (John 1:17).