While throwing glitter is always awesome, Im not sure theyve implemented that the Edelweiss or NetGalley profile systems yet. After being approved for a book, you can either download a protected PDF or send the galley proof to your Kindle. Publishers make digital review copies and audiobooks available for the NetGalley community to discover, request, read, and review. 6 of the Best Professional Bio Examples I've Ever Seen - LinkedIn They all look very good and interesting. If youre a Reviewer, clearly state where your reviews appear. Im still new to the book blogging world so this will help me out a ton. XD (But theres the age thing where you have to be eighteen but Im not but I know some people who are younger than 18 and are still on Netgalley??? Requesting on both platforms is quite simple. How to write an effective Netgalley bio - BookBum This is so helpful. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. , Glad you could use it to update your bio! Utility! Theirs is long. Marking that you listen to audiobooks or are a member of a book club helps ensure you get relevant promotional emailsincluding announcements of newly uploaded NetGalley books, limited time Read Now opportunities, and more. If I DNFed, I say why. . I set up my net galley account today and was kind of lost. When a teacher/librarian/bookseller/reviewer etc. It takes some time, but Ive gotten to read so many books I was looking forward to reading! And that should cover you! Time to go to work on MY profile. I hope you get it fixed!! Check out our list of 17 sites where you can get paid to read and review. I bet you could add several from those! Category Preferences Set your own deadline a week before the publication date if possible, so you wont be scrambling to write a review at the last minute. Helpful hints for every Profile - NetGalley I enjoyed mangas and graphic humor books (I got a lot of books from comic artists I follow on IG). Set a calendar reminder to revisit your Profile every few months. Possibly we could start a little friend chain so we all have more of an audience? Going to work on my Profiled this weekend. How to Write a Netgalley Profile - First Second Books And even if youre not a member of the American Library Association (or something similarly official), there are lots of things you could already be doing that signal to a publisher that you are the kind of person who has the power to convince others to buy copies of a book. Kelly Gallucci is the Executive Editor of We Are Bookish, where she oversees the editorial content, offers book recommendations, and interviews authors and NetGalley members. , Amazing! I just updated it now! I do not work in any facet of the publishing world. Do: Share facts about yourself that are relevant There are six member types on NetGalley (reviewer, book trade professional, librarian, bookseller, educator, journalist or member of the media) and publishers have different goals for working with each one. https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/124102284-megan. NetGalley reports are an incredibly useful tool for a publisher using the site. By continuing to use the site, you are agreeing to our. Best Practices Archives | NetGalley While you should try to write full book reviews for most of your NetGalley titles, you can also provide feedback in the form of an opinion or note to author/publisher, as well as information about how you might promote the book yourself. Librarians, booksellers, and educators: make sure to indicate if you are a member of any professional associations. Of course, if you can swing some book reviews, all the better. Do you review audiobooks as well as print/e-books? NetGalley: The Ultimate Guide for Indie Authors - Novlr Edit: putting Self or N/A under company is totally fine. you can select the Categories you cover in your role as a professional reader. To become a NetGalley member, all you have to do is sign up. Based on that, they can decide you're a juvenile delinquent a person who struggles with their responsibilities, and not grant your request! Profile Picture NetGalley reports are an incredibly useful tool for a publisher using the site. This is especially important if youre a bookseller, librarian, or educator who also talks about and reviews books outside of your job. Make sure to include the department you work in, the events or programs you plan, any purchasing youre in charge of, the outlets youve written for, and more. Start with "Read Now" titles. Netgalley makes a big deal about the fact that having a good bio will make publishers more likely to accept your requests, however, they dont really give you a lot of support in terms of what publishers would like to see there, so youre left to your own devices to make something up. NetGalley has a feedback ratio, where publishers can see how many books you've read, out of the ones you've received. But, I would like to believe that the authors and publishers would be interested in reviews by people that buy or borrow their books and just read for enjoyment. Typos and links that arent working can be a sign of a lack of attention to detail, so be sure to give your Bio a final proofread every time you update it. You can read this interview with a book publicist to learn more about the stats theyre looking for. I use all my followers! It can be daunting at first, but no worries weve got you covered! Write your reviews on both Net Galley and Goodreads. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for book recs, interviews, and favorites from our editor. Thank you so much! Litsy A Bookish Social Network, [NewBloggers] What Tools Can Help Me Be An Organized Blogger? if you are, I would maybe make a pledge to post reviews on Amazon as this may entice publishers to accept you more hope this helps! Librarians and booksellers order and recommend books to their patrons, media professionals interview authors, reviewers and bloggers write about books online and leave reviews on retail sites, and more. Provide links to your preferred platforms Your Bio can help to give publishers insight into your role and how you can best work with them. Plus, set a recurring reminder for yourself to update those stats on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, etc). Do you run a book club? Sorry for the late response Anne! The key to having the best experience possible on NetGalley starts with a strong Profile. I use NetGalley and have gotten 85 books (not all romance) but I think I've been rejected for every direct request I've made. So aim for quality, not quantity. Taking on more titles than you can handle may cause you to miss deadlines and degrade your feedback ratio. Plus sub-genre preferences. Hey Zuky! You can read this interview with a book publicist to learn more about the stats theyre looking for. and share what you like in your profile/bio. Keep requesting - once you get a few approvals and leave reviews on the site, you'll establish yourself and more publishers will approve you. What Are Linkups All About? Do you run a book club? Your post has given me some help; however, I have no stats, dont have a blog, dont have a website, dont have anything. Well I hope this helps you out if you decide to update it! Dont: Forget to update your Profile throughout the year However, if you sign up for NetGalley with no reviewing experience whatsoever, its going to take a LOT of work to acquire the books you really want. This is especially true if you find yourself requesting books from the same publishers time and again. AvalinahsBooks receives books for free for review: Opinions are my own, but I sometimes get books for review in exchange for my opinion (for free). My holiday was wonderful, thank you! But as a publisher, were actually putting our books up on Netgalley so that they get in the hands of people who specifically have a career in loving to read people who have become booksellers or librarians or teachers, and who are in a position to affect the sales numbers of a book. So as a reviewer, you might be a blogger, consumer reviewer, book trade professional (like an agent), or traditional reviewer who works for a publication. So if you click request (more about that in Lucys post), this is what comes up: The two important parts here arethe strength of your profileandwhy you are requesting this title. Complete Goodreads Tutorial. for more insight into what you should include in your Profile based on your member type. I saw some people saying you can just have a Goodreads account and get approved. but I have about 4 friends on there and have only been using it for reviews kind of to myself, so not exactly quality. No matter what your member type is, chances are that you write book reviews that you publish outside of NetGalley. I like many genres scifi, speculative fiction, kidlit, literary, nonfiction. Thousands of authors and publishers use NetGalley, and hundreds of thousands of reviewers. Instagram: I use my Instagram to snap pics of my current reads and previously read books that I enjoyed, which can include Netgalley reads. NetGalley: How Does It Work for Reviewers? | Reedsy Discovery Everyone has influence. So how do you make a good Edelweiss or NetGalley profile? For some reason, I get approved on Edelweiss quite a bit..? Use NetGalley for free to request, read, and recommend digital review copies before they are published. My bio on NetGalley is very very skimpy. First, youll need to wade through a deluge of other titles some interesting, some not-so-much to prove youre a committed and high-quality reviewer. Best Practices Archives | NetGalley How was your holiday?! Thank you so much. Thanks so much and yes its a shame that NG dont provide more support when it comes to the bio stuff . for more insight into what you should include in your Profile based on your member type. Thanks again! The upshot is that youll start to gain a respectable reputation on those platforms as well, which in turn makes you even more sought-after on NetGalley. Curious where else you can flex your mad reviewing skills? Click here for more insight into what you should include in your Profile based on your member type. Are you a member of an authors street team? I need a bio. I just found you! [1] [2] Publishers that offer e-galleys include Hachette , HarperCollins Publishers , Penguin Random House , Simon & Schuster , and many others in the US , the UK , Australia . The Simple Guide to Netgalley [2022 Updated] - Tales from Absurdia I have kids so I reviewed a lot of kids books to quickly get my stats up. Add your school name. This post describes my position exactly although about a year later xD Thanks for asking the question, and I'd love to be one of your -- probably many now -- goodreads friends. Are you an OwnVoices reviewer? Your Profile includes a section titled Where I Share Reviews. This is a crucial place to provide links to any websites or social media where you share your book reviews, the media outlets where you cover books, or the bookstore, library, or school where youre employed. Im in no way saying its perfect, but its worked pretty well for me with 158 books approved so far Hopefully, you can craft your own bio based on these recommendations! Takes 30 seconds! Email and WordPress included, I also include all my social stats seperately, As for finding your stats by month, go to your my site/stats homepage bit and then in the top bar click months, and then you filter it by each month! Ive explained roughly what you need to write in the why part (mostly, it needs to be about why its good for the publisher to give you the book rather than why you want it!) I love using ReadNow to find books I wouldn't have encountered otherwise, I don't mind not getting advance copies of the huge buzzy books because I know my library will buy them anyway, but ReadNow has helped me find some indie or small press authors I've really taken to. In my opinion, your Netgalley bio should lean toward the professional over the personal. "I love to read." First Second uses Netgalley they're a galley service that lets people request advance digital [] NetGalley community | Digital Review | Books Forward Below youll find tips sure to help whether youre a NetGalley newbie or a long-time member whose Profile needs a fresh look. Learn more about our use of cookies: Cookie Policy. NetGalley Strategy Archives | NetGalley Note, those will come to your email from the publisher directly, they've been caught in my email's overactive spam filter a few times :(. Great post, and definitely a useful tip for anyone new in NetGalley, and I think I consider myself quite a newbie there. Hopefully I will be able to add to my profile! This helps to ensure youre sharing the most accurate information about your job, social media statistics, and reading preferences. YES PLEASE. Once youve submitted your feedback, you can request more proofs, and the whole cycle begins anew. Dont: Forget to check publishers approval preferences From there youll be able to write a review, leave a brief opinion, or (in rare instances) note why you didnt finish the book. Dont you?). I have a huge passion for reading. Narrowing it down shows publishers youre serious, and improves your own experience as well; this way, youll only read genres you actually like! When a publisher looks at your Profile, they can see the list of Categories that youve chosen, which means you dont need to worry about listing them in your Bio. There are six member types on NetGalley (reviewer, book trade professional, librarian, bookseller, educator, journalist or member of the media) and publishers have different goals for working with each one. Just keep requesting and reviewing! Your Bio is the perfect place to share this information with publishersas long as youre comfortable, of course! I love to read! is something that sometimes (moderately often) pops up as the single sentence (or the leading sentence) in a review copy request. And what if we dont have an impressive follower base? thanks for the tips. Book Blogger Etiquette: How To Get Comments? I just picked up three this week, The Undertaking of Lily Chen and Boxes and Saints box set. Kelly Gallucci is the Executive Editor of We Are Bookish, where she oversees the editorial content, offers book recommendations, and interviews authors and NetGalley members. Takes 30 seco Its an exciting time to be a book reviewer. How strange! Are you an OwnVoices reviewer? Now, Im back to not having anything to read. And if you find yourself craving indie books and a little less pressure, Discovery will be waiting right here. As a reader I want more of those from people reviewing from ARC's. ), which is similar to Netgalley. This was super helpful thank you so much for posting this!! This is what comes up: Youve already filled out the overview before, so now just head onto theLinks section and add your social media! Then you want to get on to the good stuff, the bits the publishers are reallyinterested in where you will share your reviews and how many people will see them. Great post! Booksellers who enter their ABA numbers are generally approved more quickly and often (including being auto-approved). Im going to revisit it now! If you post reviews on your website or blog, indicate which is the primary place you . That said, every book reviewer will face a familiar panic: how Trust real people, not robots, to give you book recommendations. By sharing your favorite authors, you can help provide an even better understanding of the types of books within those Categories you most enjoy. Thanks! Your coffee is rapidly cooling, you have a conference call scheduled in about 15 minutes, and youve got to look at all of these goddamn requests. NetGalley proudly works with publishers and authors, large and small, throughout the world. Do you pick up the occasional shift for your local bookstore? Edelweiss can be a challenge for some, cause its not simply a requesting platform its also a platform where book sellers get books and publishers release their upcoming books catalog! (LogOut/ Here are a few dos and donts for making your Profile stand out. Everyone who joins Netgalley has to put together a quick profile; its basically something that has a persons name and their description of why they should be given books. Also does having a profile pic help? Im still trying to figure it all out but Im getting there haha! I had to add HTML codingweird. What You Can See In a Member Profile - NetGalley Client Knowledge Base You may even reach a point of being auto-approved by certain authors and publishers, which means you can read their titles straight away. Thank you for these tips. Use the step-by-step instructions below as a general guideline for customizing the short bio templates above, or write one from scratch. Any kind of cohesive, thoughtful article that shows you can evaluate and articulately comment on a given issue will serve you well in authors and publishers eyes. NetGalley has a feedback ratio, where publishers can see how many books youve read, out of the ones youve received. Your Bio can help to give publishers insight into your role and how you can best work with them. Here are a few tips to help you optimize your NetGalley reviewer experience. On the other hand, if youve never reviewed books before, youll have your work cut out for you. Books on NetGalley can receive hundreds of requests from members looking to read and review. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2010-2023 NetGalley LLC. Once youve selected all that apply, your request shoots off to the author or publisher. A picture of yourself on your NetGalley Profile can help show your vibrant personality to publishers. I have been trying to make my profile stronger. If theres anything NetGalley drives home to their reviewers, its that a strong profile is essential. When a valid ALA, ALIA, ABA or BA member number is added to a NetGalley account, you will see the relevant logo next to their name when they request a title or when you view their Profile.